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Wilson (Locations) 12%
was established at this time. The state received Otoe Area in 1984. Located along the Post Rock Scenic Byway about 5 miles north of I-70, west of K-232 Located in the heart of the Smoky Hills, Wilson State Park .... Continue to Wilson >>
Snipe (Species) 12%
To buy your HIP Stamp, CLICK HERE. Wilson’s snipe (formerly known as common snipe) is a large shorebird (about 10.5 inches long, 3.7 oz) and one of two shorebird species that can be hunted .... Continue to Snipe >>
Area News (Article) 12%
are enthusiastic about the response crowding on fish species will have on future fisheries possibilities. Efforts have been taken to increase fish habitat using Eastern Red Cedar piles and Osage Orange Hedge piles .... Continue to Area News >>
Fish Food (Article) 12%
per acre if supplemental feeding is not provided. The average pond supports about 250 pounds of fish per acre. Populations can comprise many small individuals or fewer large individuals, but the total .... Continue to Fish Food >>
Old Filled-In Ponds (Article) 12%
the dam with a back hoe down to a level below the pond bottom. After drying for about a year, the pond bottom should be firm enough for a bulldozer to push out the sediments. This material can be pushed out .... Continue to Old Filled-In Ponds >>
Channel Catfish Fishing Techniques (Article) 12%
baits work well, but the crayfish is the mainstay of the catfish diet in the spring. As summer approaches, catfish feed more actively and can be taken just about anywhere in the pond as long as the bait .... Continue to Channel Catfish F... >>
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