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7.2 pound walleye (Image) 25%
This 7.2 pound walleye was caught in mid-July trolling along the Lovewell dam around 3 p.m. .... Continue to 7.2 pound walleye >>
Lovewell State Park - Frontier Cabin (Pet Friendly) (Link) 25%
Lovewell State Park - Frontier Cabin (Pet Friendly) .... Continue to Lovewell State Pa... >>
Lovewell State Park - Pioneer Cabin (Pet Friendly) (Link) 25%
Lovewell State Park - Pioneer Cabin (Pet Friendly) .... Continue to Lovewell State Pa... >>
Lovewell State Park - Sunrise Cabin (Pet Friendly) (Link) 25%
Lovewell State Park - Sunrise Cabin (Pet Friendly) .... Continue to Lovewell State Pa... >>
Brochures (Folder) 25%
Wildlife Area Manager: Rob Unruh Lovewell Area Office Phone: (785) 753-4971 Wildlife Area Manager: Matt Farmer Jamestown Area Office Phone: (785) 439-6243 .... Continue to Brochures >>
Jewell (Folder) 24%
COUNTY CONTACTS Wildlife Biologist - (785) 545-3345 Fisheries Biologist - (785) 545-3345 Natural Resource Officer - (785) 250-7028 COUNTY KDWP LOCATIONS Lovewell State Park .... Continue to Jewell >>
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