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Quail Management, Part 1(Outdoor Today) 42%
You need a valid Kansas hunting license, unless you are exempt from Kansas law. If you were born on or after July 1, 1957, you need hunter education certification. For more information on Hunter ... What permits do I need to be able to hunt upland birds in Kansas? .... Continue to Thursday November... >>
Summer Butterflies (Outdoor Today) 40%
The jury is still out on the 2010 bird hunting seasons. The Upland Bird Forecast will be completed in September, after the brood count and mail carrier surveys are completed and analyzed. The 2010 ... Where is the best place to hunt pheasanst in Kansas? ... Why do butterflies eat sweat and suck minerals from foul items? Find out in this video from Kansas Wildlife and Parks' Spring River Wildlife Area. .... Continue to Thursday August 0... >>
Pheasant Traditions 2010 (Outdoor Today) 39%
Request Forms KDWP-Info/News/Newsletter-Request-Forms State Parks Event Calendar /State-Parks/Event-Calendar 2010 Kansas Upland Bird Forecast Hunting/Upland-Birds/Upland-Bird-Regional-Forecast ... Anyone born on or after July 1, 1957 must be certified by an approved hunter education course to hunt in Kansas. (Hunters 15 and younger are exempt while hunting with adult supervision ... Opening day of Kansas upland bird seasons is a time of tradition and homecoming. .... Continue to Monday November 1... >>
FHNB Kansas Fishing(Outdoor Today) 36%
/Fishing-Reports Newsletter Request Forms KDWP-Info/News/Newsletter-Request-Forms State Parks Event Calendar /State-Parks/Event-Calendar 2010 Kansas Upland Bird Forecast Hunting/Upland-Birds/Upland-Bird-Regional-Forecast ... and summer storms, hunting may be spotty. The best way to start scouting is to carefully read the 2010 Upland Bird Forecast, which provides detailed information about pheasant, quail and prairie chicken ... Where will I find the best pheasant hunting in Kansas this fall? ... FHNB Kansas Fishing ... See how one man started an important Kansas tradition through the Fishing Has No Boundaries program at a Kansas State Park. .... Continue to Monday September... >>
KS Christmas Bird Counts 2010 (Outdoor Today) 36%
-Info/News/Newsletter-Request-Forms 2010 Kansas Upland Bird Forecast Hunting/Upland-Birds/Upland-Bird-Regional-Forecast Trout Stocking Schedule /Fishing/Special-Fishing-Programs-for-You/Trout-Fishing-Program Fish Trip IOU /Fishing/Special-Fishing-Programs-for-You/Angler's-Legacy ... KS Christmas Bird Counts 2010 ... Get involved with a Kansas Christmas Bird Count. It's a fun and educational way to enjoy the winter outdoors while helping scientists keep track of Kansas birds. .... Continue to Thursday December... >>
Faye McNew Interview(Outdoor Today) 33%
Name Address Description Waterfowl Reports Hunting/Migratory-Birds/Waterfowl-Reports Hunter Education Other-Services/Education/Hunte Where to Fish Fishing/Where-to-Fish-in-Kansas ... How many duck hunting zones does Kansas have? ... Kansas' October duck season openers are staggered, depending on the zone. Listen as KDWP biologist Faye McNew describes this season's forecast. .... Continue to Thursday October... >>
Wildlife Overlooks Marais Des Cygnes Wildlife Area(Outdoor Today) 32%
Request Forms KDWP-Info/News/Newsletter-Request-Forms State Parks Event Calendar /State-Parks/Event-Calendar 2010 Kansas Upland Bird Forecast Hunting/Upland-Birds/Upland-Bird-Regional-Forecast ... and summer storms, hunting may be spotty. The best way to start scouting is to carefully read the 2010 Upland Bird Forecast, which provides detailed information about pheasant, quail and prairie chicken ... Where will I find the best pheasant hunting in Kansas this fall? ... Kansas Wildlife and Parks' Marais Des Cygnes Wildlife Area is known for its fall beauty and spectacular bird migrations. New scenic overlooks on Unit G will help travelers enjoy the scenery. .... Continue to Thursday Septembe... >>
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