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Lovewell Open House Weekend(Outdoor Today) 43%
-Info/News/Newsletter-Request-Forms Cheyenne Bottoms Management Plan /Other-Services/Publications/Fish-and-Wildlife-Management Aquatic Nuisance Species /Fishing/Aquatic-Nuisance-Species ... Yes! Kansas has three state record fish that are also considered world records: a 123-pound flathead catfish, a green sunfish weighing 2.36 pounds, and a 144-pound paddlefish. For a complete listing .... Continue to Thursday March 11... >>
Assessment of channel catfish (Folder) 39%
PROJECT: Assessment of channel catfish populations. ... OBJECTIVES: 1. Evaluate channel catfish sampling techniques using baited hoop nets in small lakes. 2. Evaluate management strategies and their affects on population parameters ... Assessment of channel catfish .... Continue to Assessment of cha... >>
Concannon (Locations) 38%
Manager: Brent Clark (620)276-8886 ... . Fishing: The murky water conditions and extreme water-level fluctuations restrict the fishery of the lake to the stocking of channel catfish. Management plans include the revitalization of the fishery ... ) Channel Catfish 5 0 0 0 1 .... Continue to Concannon >>
Flathead Catfish on Kansas River (Folder) 38%
PROJECT: Evaluation of the trophy potential for flathead catfish in the Kansas River ... in the Kansas River to determine if management of the species can be site specific. Determine age, growth, and mortality of flathead catfish in the Kansas River from Junction City to Kansas City, Kansas ... Flathead Catfish on Kansas River .... Continue to Flathead Catfish... >>
Flathead Sampling at Wellington Lake(Outdoor Today) 32%
Wellington City Lake is known for its flathead catfish. Watch as KDWPT biologists sample the lake for management purposes. .... Continue to Tuesday June 26 2012 >>
Kansas SWAP (Folder) 32%
Wildlife and its habitats are an important component of quality of life for Kansans. KDWPT is tasked with managing, enhancing and protecting these natural resources. Kansas State Wildlife Action ... Kansas' State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP), previously known as the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plan, provides a comprehensive vision for managing Kansas' fish ... Kansas State Wildlife Action Plan .... Continue to Kansas SWAP >>
Hillsdale (Locations) 31%
Manager: Stephen Anderson Phone: (913) 594-3600 ... , sumac, and cedar. More than 1,000 acres of mature oak, hickory, and walnut forest provides hard mast for forest wildlife. Six moist soil wetlands are managed for ephemeral and emergent vegetation ... Hillsdale Reservoir N38 39.754 W94 53.422 Paola 66071 Miami Reservoir 4,580 acres 57 feet 917 msl 917.0 38 Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Flathead Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Walleye ... Hillsdale is one of the newest reservoirs in Kansas. Completed in 1982, the reservoir is part of a comprehensive flood control plan for the Osage and Missouri River basins. In 1989 the Corps .... Continue to Hillsdale >>
Kansas Bass Chapter Federation Presentation - March 3, 2007 (File) 31%
Overview of the Bass Management Plan .... Continue to Kansas Bass Chapt... >>
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