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About Kansas Fishing (Folder) 4%
waters across the state from October through April. A trout permit is required of all anglers who fish for trout during the season. The urban program stocks catchable-sized channel catfish in select urban .... Continue to About Kansas Fishing >>
Common Pond Fishes (Article) 4%
bluegills as well as a properly managed largemouth bass population. Flatheads should therefore not be stocked in place of bass. Few Kansas ponds are capable of supporting trout yearround. Trout require water .... Continue to Common Pond Fishes >>
El Dorado (Locations) 4%
and to provide anglers with a new sport fishing opportunity. Annual stockings occurred for six years, creating a population that first exhibited natural recruitment in 2009. As the population grew, it became .... Continue to El Dorado >>
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