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How do I certify my state record fish? (Article) 100%
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Where can I find current fishing conditions and fishing reports? (Article) 100%
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Where can I find more information and pictures of Kansas fish species? (Article) 100%
Are there any free fishing days in Kansas? (Article) 100%
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I caught a fish but don't want to keep it. Can I release it into another lake or river? (Article) 100%
.... Continue to I caught a fish b... >>
My fish is too big for its aquarium. Can I release it into a lake or river? (Article) 100%
.... Continue to My fish is too bi... >>
I caught a strange-looking fish. Should I report it? (Article) 100%
.... Continue to I caught a strang... >>
Can one species of fish cross with another? (Article) 100%
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Is "catch and release" always the best tool for fisheries population management, or will it harm the fish? (Article) 100%
.... Continue to Is "catch and rel... >>
Why doesn't KDWP stock certian fish in my favorite lake? (Article) 100%
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