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Area News (Article) 6%
-day youth and military waterfowl weekend, 2) No motorized boats are allowed on the property, and 3) Centerfire rifles and handguns are prohibited. Dove Fields: There are no managed dove fields .... Continue to Area News >>
Kansas Crappie Bonanza (Flash Player) 6%
statewide creel limit on crappie. Some bodies of water have even more restrictive creel limits. So, anglers are advised to check the latest Kansas Fishing Regulations Summary when planning a trip to fish .... Continue to Kansas Crappie Bo... >>
Wildlife Habitat (Article) 6%
Regardless of how a pond is built or managed, fish are not the only animals that will benefit from its presence. In fact, creatures such as frogs, salamanders, turtles, and many birds may begin .... Continue to Wildlife Habitat >>
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