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What are the sport fish in Kansas? (Article) 100%
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What are the bait fish in Kansas? (Article) 100%
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Is is legal to bait or "chum" on public waters? (Article) 100%
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Is it legal to shoot carp with a bow? (Article) 100%
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How do I report a violation of a fishing regulation such as fishing without a license or keeping fish under the legal limit? (Article) 100%
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Where can I find information about managing my pond? (Article) 100%
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Will KDWPT stock my pond? (Article) 100%
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How can I control the moss, vegetation and algae in my pond? (Article) 100%
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What can I do to clear up my muddy pond? (Article) 100%
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The water in my pond is blue or green. What can I do to get rid of it? (Article) 100%
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