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KS Outdoors Today (Folder) 20%
-to-three minute video will be added highlighting such outdoor topics as wildlife, recreation, outdoor issues, resource management, and public lands. Past Kansas Outdoors Today videos and information can be found .... Continue to KS Outdoors Today >>
Glen Elder (Locations) 20%
. -- 2024 information and links to maps for managed dove fields can be found in the AREA NEWS -- Get the most up-to-date Regional waterfowl reports and prospects here. Glen Elder ... to maps for managed dove fields can be found in the AREA NEWS -- Get the most up-to-date Regional waterfowl reports and prospects here . Glen Elder Wildlife Area encompasses almost 13,200 land acres ... . Hiking and bicycle riding is permitted throughout the area (except for the refuges). Horse riding is limited to open, maintained roadways. Motorized vehicles can only be operated on open, maintained .... Continue to Glen Elder >>
Clinton Reservoir (Fishing Location) 20%
and newest pool is just over 100 acres in size and is located within the area's seasonal Refuge. All wetland cells except the refuge marsh can be filled by pumping water out of the Wakarusa River. Management .... Continue to Clinton Reservoir >>
Sealing Leaky Ponds (Article) 20%
, especially new ponds. In Kansas, evaporation can be expected to range from about 4 feet per year in the eastern part of the state to about 6 feet per year in the west. Most evaporation occurs during the summer .... Continue to Sealing Leaky Ponds >>
Wildlife Area News (Article) 20%
on the Cedar Bluff Wildlife Area. Approximately 1000 acres that was previously refuge area are now be managed as a Youth / Mentor hunting area. Opening these areas to hunting provides quality youth and mentor .... Continue to Wildlife Area News >>
Technical Assistance (Article) 20%
and plant material, labor and machinery. Advice and assistance pertaining to construction, development, and management of ponds for both fish and wildlife can be obtained by contacting any Department .... Continue to Technical Assistance >>
Jamestown (Locations) 20%
control structures and renovation of existing wetlands by subdividing into units so water and vegetation can be managed more effectively. During renovation construction activities will impact and change ... Jamestown Wildlife Area Map Jamestown Wildlife Area is a collection of historical wetlands and associated uplands that have been under state management since 1932. Jamestown's two larger .... Continue to Jamestown >>
Clinton (Locations) 20%
and is located within the area's seasonal Refuge. All wetland cells except the refuge marsh can be filled by pumping water out of the Wakarusa River. Management of native grassland is very important on the Clinton .... Continue to Clinton >>
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