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Canoe Rental (Facilities) 6%
, or paddleboards from the park and they CANNOT leave the River Pond Area. Everyone who uses one of these floatation devices must be wearing their PFDs, and the canoe rental shed does have a limited stock of PFDs .... Continue to Canoe Rental >>
Bolton (Locations) 6%
and are managed for dove harvest. Hunting opportunities include prairie chicken, bob-white quail, turkey, deer, mourning dove, and squirrel. There are several small ponds that are periodically stocked .... Continue to Bolton >>
Black Kettle (Locations) 6%
and small boats. Boating for purposes other than fishing is prohibited. A boat ramp is located on the south shore. About half a dozen brush piles were placed in the lake. The lake was stocked with channel .... Continue to Black Kettle >>
Saline (Locations) 6%
2019 Spring Rains have raised the lake level sufficient to support re-stocking Channel Catfish and Bluegill. The lake is open to vehicle traffic from Sunrise to Sunset (gate is closed after hours .... Continue to Saline >>
Learn More About Aquatic Invasive Species (Folder) 6%
their spread and controlling or eradicating them where feasible. KDWP monitors planned, beneficial introductions of non-native species for aquaculture, commercial, or recreational purposes (such as the stocking .... Continue to Learn More About... >>
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