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Wildlife Habitat (Article) 11%
, and most ponds can be enhanced to increase chances for their usage. However, the decision to manage a pond for waterfowl must be made before the pond is built. No matter which management technique .... Continue to Wildlife Habitat >>
of resident Canada geese challenging. Landowners and homeowners associations can use a variety of techniques to manage resident Canada geese. These include landscaping to make their property less attractive .... Continue to RESIDENT CANADA G... >>
What caused fish kills? How do I report a fish kill? (Article) 11%
Information on the different types and causes of fish kills can be found in our pond management program pages. To report a fish kill contact the KDWP Regional office nearest you or call (620) 672-5911. .... Continue to What caused fish... >>
Will KDWPT stock my pond? (Article) 11%
Since 1990, the primary focus of KDWPT has been to provide technical assistance on managing fish populations in ponds and information on where pond owners can purchase fish. .... Continue to Will KDWPT stock... >>
Do Something your backyard (Article) 11%
If you manage for wildlife in your backyard, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism would like to give you credit through the Backyard Wildlife Habitat Certification Program .... Continue to Do Something Wild... >>
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