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A Catfish Nest (Image) 41%
Placing anchored cream cans in the ponds are part of the spawning process for catfish at the different hatcheries. In a natural environment, the male catfish seeks out a dark secluded cavity like .... Continue to A Catfish Nest >>
Fishing in the lake (Image) 41%
Fishing for catfish at Crawford State Park can be very rewarding. .... Continue to Fishing in the lake >>
Fisheries (Folder) 40%
Fisheries biologist can provide technical assistance on managing fish populations in ponds and provide information where pond owners can purchase fish. All Fisheries Program .... Continue to Fisheries >>
Catch Your Own Nightcrawlers(Outdoor Today) 40%
Nightcrawlers are a good bait for many kinds of Kansas gamefish. Though they can be purchased, you can catch your own before your next fishing trip. .... Continue to Friday April 06 2012 >>
Urban Geese(Outdoor Today) 40%
Geese are much loved in wild settings, but they can be a nuisance in cities. .... Continue to Wednesday Decembe... >>
Beginning Fly-Tying Photo 1 (Image) 40%
In fly tying class you can really make a work of art. .... Continue to Beginning Fly-Tyi... >>
Knot Tying Photo 1 (Image) 40%
Students learn to tie some simple knots that can be used in a variety of ways. .... Continue to Knot Tying Photo 1 >>
Timber Canyon Horse Campsite (Image) 40%
Horse loading and unloading zone where campers can camp with their horses. .... Continue to Timber Canyon Hor... >>
Rocks South of the entrance road (Image) 40%
You can't see these from the road so venture across the bridge. .... Continue to Rocks South of th... >>
Hunter Education In Our Schools (Folder) 39%
The Kansas Hunter Education in Our Schools Program provides students with basic outdoor skills that can be applied throughout their lives. Hunter Education in Our Schools ... The Kansas Hunter Education in Our Schools Program provides students with basic outdoor skills that can be applied throughout their lives. Student learning objectives Following .... Continue to Hunter Education... >>
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