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Lake News (Article) 5%
species may be stocked in the future as they become available. Campground Update: Fishing and hunting regulations are posted on the information kiosks. Lake maps and hunting/fishing regulation .... Continue to Lake News >>
nesting on nearby privately owned stock ponds, returning to the refuge during late summer and early fall. As with the Cheyenne Bottoms geese, excessive harvest during the early portion of the season, prior .... Continue to HISTORY OF RESIDE... >>
Park News (Article) 5%
the water is turned off in mid- to late-October, these cabins do not have water. Prairie Dog and Eagle View are modern cabins with running water year-round, fully stocked kitchen areas, and a big bathroom .... Continue to Park News >>
Aquatic Invasive Species Laws and Regulations (Folder) 5%
bait. You cannot stock or release wildlife on department lands or waters, navigable publicly-owned waters and federal reservoirs unless authorized. Dispose of unused bait on dry ground or in an approved .... Continue to Aquatic Invasive... >>
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