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Shed Antler Hunt(Outdoor Today) 36%
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El Dorado Reservoir Forecast(Outdoor Today) 36%
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Squirrels and Winter Buds(Outdoor Today) 36%
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Benedictine Brush Control(Outdoor Today) 36%
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Big Basin Wildlife Area(Outdoor Today) 36%
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Robins(Outdoor Today) 36%
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Spring Duck Migration (Outdoor Today) 36%
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Spring Burning on KDWP Lands (Outdoor Today) 36%
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Geary (Locations) 36%
in the fall and spring. Several food plots are maintained each year to provide winter food for birds and other wildlife. The lake is an excellent clear lake. The lake has been stocked with largemouth bass ... The lake was initially constructed and stocked in 1959. The lake was rehabilitated in 1987. .... Continue to Geary >>
Miami (Locations) 35%
Today the Miami State Fishing Lake includes 101 acres of water bounded by about 150 acres of timbered hillsides and the Marais des Cygnes River. The lake and fishery was renovated in 2001 .... Continue to Miami >>
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