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Marine Toilets and Kansas Clean Vessel Pumpout Sites (Article) 15%
) that is self contained and incapable of discharging directly into the water. Any MSD with a "Y" valve that could direct waste overboard must be secured so that the valve cannot be opened. .... Continue to Marine Toilets an... >>
Fencing From Livestock (Article) 15%
provides some benefits. The amount of fenced area required for any given pond will vary with adjacent land uses and pond owner desires. A minimum would be to set the fence back 40-50 feet from the pond .... Continue to Fencing From Live... >>
Processing Permit Applications (Article) 15%
processed within 30 days of receipt by the Environmental Services Section. Applicants may not begin any work that requires a permit before issuance of same. .... Continue to Processing Permit... >>
Giving, Receiving Game / Sale of Game / Wanton Waste (Article) 15%
of Furbearers”) WANTON WASTE By regulation, hunters must attempt to find any game crippled or killed. Retrieved animals must be kept until they are eaten; taken to a taxidermist or processor .... Continue to Giving, Receiving... >>
Falconry (Article) 15%
Zone Extended Season: Feb. 25 - March 10, 2023 Daily Bag Limit: No more than three migratory birds, including coot, dove, rail, crow, snipe, woodcock, and any migratory species -- in combination .... Continue to Falconry >>
Park News (Article) 15%
! Check our Facebook page at for the most updated office hour information. Any recent office closures will be listed near the top of the park's news .... Continue to Park News >>
Tagging Instructions (Article) 15%
CARCASS TAG Each permittee shall possess an appropriate carcass tag while hunting big game. Except for an elk taken under an "any elk" permit, the head of the harvested animal shall .... Continue to Tagging Instructions >>
REGULATIONS (Article) 15%
are being sent, and 3) the number of birds, by species, contained in the package. Giving or Receiving Waterfowl No person may receive, possess, or give to another, any freshly killed migratory game .... Continue to REGULATIONS >>
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