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State Parks Open House (Folder) 14%
.m. is the Annual Adopt a Flower Program. Bring in any annual or perennial flowering plant to the state park office. Flowers will be planted at designated areas throughout the park. Meade .... Continue to State Parks Open... >>
Harvest Information Program (HIP) (Folder) 14%
is ‘What does HIP mean to me, as an individual asked to participate in this annual series of inquiries?’ The vast majority of hunters who participate are doing so because they know it’s important .... Continue to Harvest Informati... >>
Badger (Species) 13%
unfavorably by many agricultural producers in Kansas. The badger is of minor importance to the Kansas fur trade in recent times, though pelt prices have more than doubled over the past two seasons. Annual .... Continue to Badger >>
Gray Fox (Species) 13%
foxes have been of little importance in terms of annual fur harvest. Up to several hundred may be harvested during some years. Most of these are trapped, but a few are also taken by hunters. Gray fox fur .... Continue to Gray Fox >>
Virginia Opossum (Species) 13%
seasons, annual harvest has averaged almost 27,000. .... Continue to Virginia Opossum >>
Beaver (Species) 13%
of the value of its pelt and the damage it inflicts through flooding and treecutting activities. About 10,000 Kansas beavers have been harvested annually since the mid 1990s, many of which are taken in damage .... Continue to Beaver >>
Dove (Species) 13%
, www.pwrc.usgs.gov). Kansas typically has one of the highest breeding indices for mourning doves in the U.S., as measured by the annual Call Count Survey in May. Mourning doves nest in trees, shrubs, and on the ground in crop .... Continue to Dove >>
Coyote (Species) 13%
. Coyotes have usually ranked second or third annually in total value of pelts harvested in Kansas. In recent times, about 15,000 have been harvested each year by licensed furharvesters, with perhaps another .... Continue to Coyote >>
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