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Area News (Article) 13%
a greater officer presence on the area. The area can be accessed from 6am to 10pm daily. Also, please help us in keeping the area clean. Remember to take your trash with you! Hunting, swimming, camping .... Continue to Area News >>
Three Parts (Article) 13%
by a wildlife biologist or information can be sent to assist the homeowner. The biologist may also be able to refer you to someone else or a business that specializes in this work. The Kansas Department .... Continue to Three Parts >>
Bluebird Trails (Article) 13%
By constructing bluebird trails, civic organizations, youth groups, and individuals can assist in efforts to help bluebird populations recover. Nest boxes provide bluebirds with nesting .... Continue to Bluebird Trails >>
Topography (Article) 13%
A site with suitable topography can save money during construction and avoid problems in operation. A natural draw or low area with a moderate slope which narrows at the dam site involves less .... Continue to Topography >>
Soils (Article) 13%
that can cause excessive water loss or seepage from the pond. Detailed information on the suitability of various soils for pond construction is available from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. .... Continue to Soils >>
Shelter (Article) 13%
behavior patterns. Pond fishes always try to hide when danger threatens. They can hide by swimming to deeper water or by moving behind a rock, stump, brush, or plant. In a pond, fish communities will exist .... Continue to Shelter >>
OWLS School Committee (Article) 13%
OWLS School Committee As soon as you can, organize an OWLS committee for your school. This group should be composed of, at minimum, two teachers, one administrator, one maintenance person, two .... Continue to OWLS School Commi... >>
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