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Glen Elder Reservoir (Fishing Location) 17%
Bass 5* 21 inches Crappie 20 10 inches Channel Catfish 10 Blue Catfish 10 No more than 1 allowed 30 inches or longer Flathead Catfish 5 Bluegill ... Smallmouth Bass Crappie Channel Catfish Blue Catfish Flathead Catfish Bluegill 5*** 2 2 5* 5* 5* 20 10 10 5 18 inches 18 inches 15 inches 21 inches 10 inches No more than 1 allowed 30 inches or longer .... Continue to Glen Elder Reservoir >>
Cowley (Locations) 17%
Manage: Kurt Grimm, Phone: (620) 876-5730 ... and extremely clear. Fish species in the lake include channel catfish, largemouth bass, bluegill, redear sunfish, walleye, crappie and flathead. Hunting is allowed on the lake and its surrounding 113 acres .... Continue to Cowley >>
Perry (Locations) 17%
Manager: Andrew Page Phone: 785-945-6615 ... from the Delaware River to provide habitat for migratory birds during dry years. All other wetlands depend on natural run off, thus water levels may vary from year to year. Moist soils management ... Perry Reservoir 39.1459226 -95.4862717 Perry Jefferson Reservoir 11,630 acres 43 feet 891.5 feet Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Flathead Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Sauger Saugeye ... and managed by the Department for wildlife management and public hunting opportunities. .... Continue to Perry >>
Pottawatomie Lake No. 2 (Locations) 17%
Manager: Nathan Henry Phone: (785) 539-9999 Region 2 Office 785-273-6740 ... is restricted to fishing only. The lake population includes Channel Catfish (which are stocked during the summer months thanks to funding from the Urban Fishing Program), Black bass, Bluegill, Crappie, Flat ... Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Flathead Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Redear Sunfish Smallmouth Bass Walleye 5 50 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 0 1 0 1 Pottawatomie Lake No. 2 State Fishing Lake ... - Channel Catfish - 5. Off-road vehicle, ATV use, horseback riding and target shooting are prohibited. Registered vessels are allowed on the lake for fishing purposes only, with boating speed being .... Continue to Pottawatomie Lake... >>
State Wildlife Grants (Folder) 17%
Species Evaluate Freshwater Mussel Populations in Southeastern Kansas Streams Develop a Non-indigenous Invasive Species Management Plan Sensitive Species Coordination Project Data Management ... and the states for managing and conserving wildlife species, going back to landmark laws like the 1937 Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act and the 1950 Dingell-Johnson Sportfish Restoration Act. For more .... Continue to State Wildlife Gr... >>
Bourbon (Locations) 17%
Manager: Monte Manbeck (620)-449-2539 10 miles south of Moran on Highway 59 to Elsmore then east 4 miles. ... The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks manage 380 acres. Two hundred – seventy acres of land surrounds the 103 acre lake. The property is located on rolling upland terrain. The lake is situated ... Channel Catfish 15” length limit. Two fish creel limit. Hunting is restricted to areas east and south of the lake. Special Features: A water level management program helps maintain .... Continue to Bourbon >>
Bolton (Locations) 16%
Manager: Bryon Brown Phone: (785) 539-9999 ... by the department. Largemouth bass, bluegill and channel catfish can be found in these ponds. The Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism has begun to intensively manage for greater prairie chicken habitat .... Continue to Bolton >>
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