Northwest Region Fishing Reports

Fishing reports provide general angling information from KDWP staff. The department cannot update the reports on a regular, frequent basis. Many factors determine angling success, and fishing conditions and individual fishing success may vary from the report. Anglers are responsible for deciding what species to fish for, what methods to use, and where and when to fish. You can help fellow anglers by sharing successful fishing notes at

CEDAR BLUFF RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 3/7/2025

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Black Bass Good Up to 6 lbs. Casting baits that enable a slow presentation, such as weightless swimbaits, Texas-rigged soft plastics, etc., around primary and secondary points possessing rock piles and other hard substrates on warm, sunny days.
Crappie Good Up to 15 inches Vertically fishing jigs or minnows around the fish attractors.  Have had reports of some good catches in the last couple of weeks.
Walleye Good Up to 28 inches Vertically fishing slab spoons and trolling or casting crankbaits like flicker shads over main lake points and other structure.
White Bass/Wipers Excellent

Whites up to 17 inches

Wipers up to 14.5 lbs.

Locating schools of white bass and/or wipers with electronics and vertically fishing slab spoons.  Fish will generally be relating to some sort of underwater structure such as a roadbed, point, or creek channel break.   

Since fishing reports are harder to come by in winter, the above report will be generic giving general locations and methods typically effective this time of year and won't be updated on a weekly basis unless the bite or ice changes dictate an update.

ICE REPORT-As of 3-7-2025, the reservoir is 100% ice free and all boat ramps are open.    


SURFACE ELEVATION- 2122.54 ft. above MSL-21.46 ft. below conservation pool

ATTENTION: An established zebra mussel population has been documented at this water making Cedar Bluff an ANS designated water.  With this designation, regulations are in effect primarily aimed at discouraging water containing microscopic zebra mussel larvae from leaving the property and establishing in new waters.  Any time one leaves the reservoir it is best to clean mud, vegetation, or attached zebra mussel adults off of boats and other equipment, drain any thing on a boat or other equipment that holds water, and allow boats 01d other equipment to dry completely before using them at another body of water.  It is now illegal to use wild-caught bait from Cedar Bluff at any other water.  Live fish are not to be taken off the property.  And all livewells and bilges must be drained prior to leaving the property.

It is illegal to release fish into public water unless it was taken from that water. So please discard any leftover bait in a trash can.

GLEN ELDER RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 2/21/2025

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Crappie Fair  9-15 inches In the winter, focus on deeper structure. I would look for brushpiles more than 10 ft deep, or trolling river channels can work as well.  If you're fishing from shore look for submerged vegetation or structure. Points and jetties can be transitional areas fish use as the season changes. Use minnows, jigs, spoons, or small crankbaits. Very few angler reports. Game Wardens reported some crappie being caught through the ice. 
Trout None None

No trout will be stocked at the Glen Elder State Park Pond or the reservoir outlet for the 2024-2025 trout season. 

Kanopolis Seep Stream and Webster Stilling Basin will be stocked.  

Walleye Fair to Good 11-25 inches

We're about a month away from the spawn. Transitional weather can make finding a feeding pattern difficult. Fish will start heading towards the dam and rocky shorelines in preparation of the spawn as early as mid-March. Some fish may roam lake flats and river channels looking for baitfish, while others suspend in deeper, cooler water. Trolling river channels and road beds can be a good strategy to find Walleye. Walleye are often caught using nightcrawlers, jigging spoons, minnows, crankbaits, and spinners. 

*3.6 million fry were stocked in April. 200k fingerlings were stocked in June. 

Black Bass Good 12-20 inches Smallmouth tend to prefer harder, rockier bottoms, while Largemouth might be found on softer bottoms and weed beds. Don't overlook standing timber and brush piles. Look for areas that hold baitfish. Use a quarter ounce or an eighth ounce jig tipped with a minnow or baitfish imitation. You could also have success with hair jigs and jigging spoons. With a 21 inch length limit these Smallmouth are almost all sublegal so please handle them with extreme care and release them immediately after catching them.  
Catfish Good 15-35 inches

Channel Cats can be found almost anywhere in the lake. Targeting inflows can be successful after rains. Blue Cats tend to prefer deeper structure or windblown flats. Try river channel bends, old road beds, building foundations, humps and submerged bridges. The shore-based Blue Cat angler should look for an upwind shoreline where fish are looking to scavenge. Fall sampling indicated good numbers of blues and channel catfish in the reservoir now. Best baits to use include cut bait, stinkbait, shad sides, shrimp, and nightcrawlers. Most Flathead fisherman use live bait near hard structure like wood and riprap. The causeway and granite creek bridge will hold good numbers of Flatheads. 

Remember, there is a NEW creel limit on blue catfish at Glen Elder. 10 fish per day, only 1 allowed over 30 in. 

*28,000 surplus Channel Cat fingerlings were stocked in April.

White Bass Good to Excellent 11-18 inches White Bass and Wipers can be found chasing shad near brushpiles, river channels, drop offs, and other structure. Higher numbers of big whites tend to be caught west of the causeway. Some have been reported to be caught through the ice. Look for drop-offs and points for suspended fish. Downwind shorelines can produce good numbers of actively feeding fish. Use a variety of jigs, spinners, or minnows to catch fish all year. Few few angler reports coming in. Game Wardens reported White Bass and a few Wipers coming through the ice. 
Anglers can now find GPS locations for each of the brush piles located in the reservoir. Simply click on this link Good Fishing Spots and select the individual brush pile. As we enhance these brush piles throughout the year, we'll make a note under each individual location.

Current Water Temperature: --ºF        Current Water Level: 6.4 feet low

Ice Report: I've received no reports. Please be cautious, wear a lifejacket, and go with a buddy if testing out the ice. 

Some boat ramps are unusable due to low water conditions. This currently includes Granite Creek, North Fork River, Carr Creek, and Walnut Creek. Boller Point ramp is very shallow but usable by shallow drafted vessels. Repairs to the face of the dam were completed in February 2023. Water levels should start to rise with rain. 

JEWELL STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 1/3/2025

Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Crappie Fair to Good 9-11 inches Anglers should target the brush piles and other submerged structure with minnows and jigs or nearby points and drop offs. Anglers are encouraged to harvest high numbers of crappie to help maintain a desirable level. Our recent sample indicated there are very high numbers of crappie in the lake now and anglers could have great success throughout the year.
Largemouth Bass Good 12-22 inches

Fish can be caught around any aquatic vegetation, off the rocky jetties, and around the overhanging trees in the water. I would focus on submerged wood. The larger trunks that provide horizontal cover seem to hold bigger bass. Fish can be caught use wacky worms, Senkos, Ned Rigs, spinnerbaits, roadrunners, and crankbaits. As the water cools slowing down and downsizing your presentation can be effective with less aggressive fish. 

There is an 18 inch minimum length limit on all bass in Jewell

Channel Catfish Good 11-25 inches

Fish can be caught just about anywhere on the lake. Anglers should try using shad sides, shad gizzards, shrimp, nightcrawlers, and chicken liver.  Targeting inflow is a popular method as the catfish will congregate there to feed.  

Remember there is a 15 inch minimum length limit on channel catfish


Redear Sunfish

Good 6-9 inches Aquatic vegetation is always a good bet for sunfish. Look for bluegill around the rocks on the piers and around any brush in the water. Worms and small jigs are a good bet.  These guys can be caught throughout the year using a variety of techniques.  Some anglers prefer to fly fish with small nymphs or dry flies fished on the surface.
General Comments
ATTENTION ANGLERS! There is a regulation for all sunfish species which began in January 2019. Fish between 6 and 9 inches must be immediately released. There is no limit on the number of fish less than 6 inches, but anglers are limited to only 5 fish greater than 9 inches per day. This applies to bluegill, redear sunfish, green sunfish, and their hybrids.

Water temperature: 34ºF 

Water level: 8.25 Feet Low

With cold temperatures in the forecast ice may start to form. Please use caution when testing the ice. 

KANOPOLIS RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 2/11/2025

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, and Location
Channel/Blue Catfish Good 16 - 21"

Fishing cut and prepared baits along the river channel from the south boat ramp all the way to buzzard bay. Try deeper catfish humps and structure near bluffs.

Remember there is a 35" minimum length limit on Blue Catfish at Kanopolis Reservoir.

Crappie Good 10 to 14+ inches Try the deeper structure, brush piles, or the river channel with 1/16 oz. jigs and live minnows.
Trout Good   The final trout stocking of the season for the seep stream occurred on 2-10-25. 
Saugeye Fair 14 - 22" Wind blown points and flats in the middle and lower ends of the reservoir are best. Shad imitating swimbaits and jigs tipped with minnows or worms can be productive baits.
White Bass Good All sizes - up to 17 inches Casting swimbaits, bucktail jigs, and Kastmaster spoons along wind blown points and areas near the river channel. Using slab spoons or live minnows is also producing some fish right now along brush piles and in the river channel.
Wiper Fair All sizes Similar locations and baits as those used for white bass.
General Comment
Current lake elevation and water temperature is available on the location page linked to this fishing report. It is updated daily by the Corps of Engineers.

KEITH SEBELIUS RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 12/13/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, and Location
Crappie Fair 7 to 16 inches Crappies are being caught around the public fishing dock and maintained fish attractors using jigs and jigs tipped with minnows. Would also recommend fishing up in the coves.
Saugeye/Walleye Fair 13 to 27 inches Fish are being caught around concrete cove up by the marsh dike and along the dam using jigs tipped with night crawlers and/or minnows and trolling diving lures.  An 18" minimum length limit is in effect.
Wiper Good 10 to 28 inches Would recommend fishing for them around the east side of Leota Cove, Monkey Island and Concrete cove using jigs and swim baits.
Catfish Fair 10 to 30 inches Did hear of some catfish being caught up in the shallows using shad, gizzards, shrimp, or stink bait on the bottom.
Largemouth/Spotted Bass Good 10 to 20 inches Would recommend fishing up in the coves or along the Dam and Breakwater using crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and plastics. 
General Comments


SURFACE ELEVATION- 2292.56 ---- 11.74 feet below conservation pool

Currently, the water level is 1.83 feet higher than it was one year ago, at this time. This fishing report will be a generic report and will only be changed as fishing changes.

Remember it is illegal to release any fish into public water unless it was taken from that water.  Please discard leftover bait in a trash can.

KIRWIN RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 12/13/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, and Location
Crappie Fair 7 to 17 inches Crappie are being caught around Bluegill and Crappie points using jigs and jigs tipped with minnows.  Could also possibly catch some off the Dam using jigs and minnows. 
Walleye Fair 10 to 29 inches Walleyes are being caught off the bottom using night crawlers and/or minnows. 
White Bass/ Wiper Good 10 to 28 inches Fish are being caught lake wide casting jigs and roadrunners from the bank.
Catfish Fair 10 to 30 inches Fish are being caught up in the shallows of coves and up to the west end.  Would recommend fishing the shallow area with shrimp, cut bait, stink bait or shad off the bottom.
Largemouth Bass Fair 12 to 22 inches Fish are being caught in the coves and along the rocky shorelines using plastics and crank baits.
General Comments


SURFACE ELEVATION- 1716.17 ---- 13.08' below conservation pool

Currently, the water level is 3.67' lower than it was one year ago, at this time. This fishing report will be a generic report and will only be updated as fishing changes.

Due to the low water levels (being below 1722 elevation) the main Reservoir has been closed to ALL BOATS from October 1, 2024, to April 1, 2025.  The fish cleaning station has been closed for the winter.  A boat cleaning facility (CD3) has been added by the fish cleaning station and is currently usable.   

If you have any questions regarding Kirwin Reservoir and the surrounding public lands, contact the USFWS at 785-543-6673.  

Remember it is illegal to release any fish into public water unless it was taken from that water.  Please discard leftover bait in a trash can.


LOVEWELL RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 3/11/2025

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Walleye Fair  16-25 inches

In winter, fish can be found in deep basins. Look for flats, river channels, and points holding baitfish. Focus on the deeper channels and structure. With the spawn coming soon, expect fish to head towards the dam and rocky shorelines. Nightfall can bring fish up to the shallows in search of food. Try using jigging spoons, minnows, brightly colored lures, or nightcrawlers.

*KDWP stocked 3 million Walleye fry into Lovewell last April and 15,000 intermediates last fall. 

White Bass/Wipers Good

7-14 inches

15-25 inches

White Bass and Wipers will suspend on river channels, drop-offs, and deep brushpiles. Downwind shorelines will attract actively feeding fish. White Bass populations have been low for a few years, but fall sampling indicated better numbers. With the spawn coming up, expect fish to head towards up stream riffles or windblown, rocky shorelines. Look for schools of baitfish and these predators are probably nearby. The outlet at dawn and dusk can be a hot spot for White Bass and Wiper. Using a variety of jigs, spinners, or minnows can catch fish most of the year.

*300,000 wiper fry were stocked into Lovewell in May 

Crappie Fair to Good 8-14 inches Try fishing deep brush piles and other hard structure. Drop offs and river channels can produce fish. Look for places that hold baitfish and structure. The marina will usually hold crappie and Cedar Point is one of the most popular crappie fishing spots all year. No angler reports coming in. Game Wardens reported good numbers of keeper crappie being caught through the ice and earlier in the fall. 
Catfish Good 16 to 38 inches

Fall sampling indicated good numbers of Channel Catfish, Blue Catfish, and Flathead Catfish. Best baits to use for Channel Catfish include stinkbait, shad sides, shrimp, and nightcrawlers. Blue Catfish usually go for cut bait and Flatheads tend to prefer live bait. Anglers often report good spring catches of Blue Catfish near Walleye Point, Cedar Point, and Pawnee Point. Blues and flatheads tend to focus on hard structure like rocks, brush piles, and river channels.

Remember there is a 35-inch minimum length limit on blue catfish in Lovewell.  All blue catfish less than 35 inches must be released immediately. 

Anglers can now find GPS coordinates, descriptions, and histories of some of the major brush piles in Lovewell. Simply follow this link Good Fishing Spots and select the individual brush pile to find out more information. More Georgia Cubes were added in April 2020! 

Current water temperature:  40ºF            Current water level:3.0 feet low 

Lovewell is not currently under a harmful algae watch. Please use the following link for the latest advisories from KDHE, Harmful Algal Blooms | KDHE, KS.

Please discard of leftover bait in a trash can, even baitfish. Remember it is illegal to release any fish into public water unless it was taken from that water!

OTTAWA STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 1/3/2025

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Largemouth Bass Fair to Good 12-18 inches Cooling temps will slow bass down and move them to deeper water. Fish can be caught around rocky jetties and brushpiles. Fish can be caught use wacky worms, Senkos, Ned Rigs, spinnerbaits, roadrunners, and crankbaits. Slow down your presentation and downsize for less aggressive fish. 
Bluegill/Sunfish Good 5 to 7 Inches Look for bluegill around the rocks on the piers, shoreline vegetation, and around any brush in the water. Worms and small jigs are a good bet. These guys can be caught throughout the year using a variety of techniques. Some anglers prefer to fly fish with small nymphs or dry flies fished on the surface.
Channel Catfish Fair to Good 12-25 inches Fish can be caught just about anywhere on the lake. Anglers should try using shad sides, shad gizzards, shrimp, nightcrawlers, and chicken liver.  Targeting inflow is a popular method as the catfish will congregate there to feed. The shallow upper end is a great area to find big catfish on warm days.
Saugeye Fair 18-25 inches The best number of saugeye can be found on the upper end around the jetties and other rocky areas. Jig and crawler, large shiners, crankbaits, and swim baits are all good options to use for catching saugeye now. Anglers will also find some around the brush piles and off the ends of the jetties closest to the dam.
Crappie Good 8-15 inches Anglers should target the brush piles and other submerged structure with minnows and jigs. Focus on deeper structure like brushpiles and rocks during summer. Anglers are encouraged to harvest high numbers of crappie to help maintain a desirable level. Our recent sample indicated there are very high numbers of crappie in the lake now and anglers could have great success throughout the year. 
General Comments

Water Temperature--34ºF   

Cold temperatures in the forecast could allow ice to start forming. Please use caution when testing the ice. 


ROOKS STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 12/13/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, and Location
Largemouth Bass Poor 6-21 inches No Reports.
Bluegill Poor 3-9 inches No Reports.
Catfish Poor 10-25 inches No Reports.
Black Crappie Poor 5-12 inches No Reports.
General Comments

Water Temp. 33 Degrees

Lake is approx. twelve to thirteen feet low.   

SHERIDAN STATE FISHING LAKE - Last Updated: 1/23/2025

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, and Location

ATTENTION: As of 1-23-2025, the lake water level is extremely low with only inches of water left at the deepest.  Given recent cold weather, remaining lake water and surrounding sediments have frozen.  Given the close proximity between any existing ice and bottom sediments, melting and refreezing of ice can be rapid.  Rapidly changing ice conditions over the top of extremely soft lake bottom sediments has resulted in a potentially dangerous scenario should one fall through weak ice.  Any attempt to get out on existing ice or muddy bottom sediments is strongly discouraged.

The lake is currently being dewatered to enable lake renovation.

As part of lake renovation, the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks has issued Sheridan State Fishing Lake be opened to public fish salvage effective 11/6/2023. 

The order is posted on signs around the lake.  It allows the public to collect fish by any legal methods as well as by hand, dip net, throw net, minnow trap or seine, snagging, gig, speargun, bow and arrow or crossbow with a barbed head and line attached from bow/crossbow to arrow per regulation 115-7-1.  This fish salvage order also removes all daily creel limits and size limits per regulation 115-25-14.  This public fish salvage will remain in effect until posted notice signage on site is removed.           

For more information contact Dave Spalsbury, District Fisheries Biologist at 785-726-3212.

WEBSTER RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 12/13/2024

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, and Location
Crappie Fair 7 to 17 inches Would recommend fishing around the north and south shore breakwaters and fish attractors using jigs, slab spoons and jigs with minnows. 
Walleye Fair 14 to 28 inches Would recommend fishing for them just outside the maintained fish attractors using jigs and slab spoons.  Trolling diving lures along the dam and river channel could also be productive.  
White Bass/Wiper Good 8 to 28 inches Both species are being caught around the north and south shore fish attractors and breakwaters using jigs and jigs tipped with minnow. Trolling diving lures lake wide could also be productive.
Catfish Fair 12 to 30 inches Catfish are being caught around the broken up concrete ramp on the north side and Goose Flats using shad, shrimp, gizzards, or stink baits on the bottom.
Largemouth Bass Fair 12 to 22 inches Fish are being caught around the maintained fish attractors and breakwaters using plastics and spinner baits.
Rainbow Trout Good 10 to 20 inches Have been catching trout on Powerbait, salmon eggs, corn and cheese.  Would also recommend cast small cast-masters and spinners.  Next stocking will be the first part of January.
General Comments


SURFACE ELEVATION- 1867.01 ---- 25.44' below conservation pool

The water level is 9.63' lower than it was one year ago at this time. This fishing report will be a generic report and will only be updated as fishing changes.

Old Marina and Morel boat ramps are not usable; however, Rock Point (north ramp has been barricaded off, but the south ramp goes all the way to the bottom and is still usable), Goose Flats and Lakeview boat ramps are open at this time.  Fish cleaning station has been closed for the winter.  A boat cleaning station (CD3) has been added by the fish cleaning station and is usable at this time.

The Stilling Basin was stocked with trout this year for the Trout Season that Started on December 1 and goes thru March 31, 2025.

Remember it is illegal to release any fish into public water unless it was taken from that water. Please discard leftover bait in a trash can.

WILSON RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 2/17/2025

Species Rating Size Baits, Method, Location
Striped Bass Fair 7-25 pounds No reports. Larger fish are relating to deeper water near Lucas campground, mouth of Marshall Cove, Hell Creek and towards the dam. Try trolling crankbaits, casting/jigging large bucktail jigs, or drifting live shad or sunfish along channel breaks. 
 Walleye Good 18-27 inches No reports. Trolling or casting crankbaits and swimbaits over main lake points early morning or late evening are your best bets. 
Blue/Channel Catfish Good 2-20 pounds

No reports. Channel Catfish: Fish can be found from shallow to moderate depths. Try cut bait, dough bait, or punch bait thorough the reservoir.

No reports. Blue Catfish: scattered throughout the reservoir, try fresh cutbait in 6-30 feet of water on river channel swings or flats near these swings. 

Release all Blue Catfish between 32 - 40 inches. Two can be kept outside this range but only one can be kept over 40 inches.

White Bass Fair 12-18 inches, up to 3 pounds No reports. Casting shad imitating swimbaits and bucktail jigs over windblown points and using slab spoons along the river channel.
Black Bass Good 12-20 inches No reports. Soft plastics, spinnerbaits, and crankbaits around structure.
General Comments

Lake Elevation = 4.68 feet below conservation pool.

No recent reports from anglers. Currently there is little to no safe ice as ice continues to form use caution.  For ice fishing safety guidelines go to  If safe ice forms fishing is normally best around Lou's Point and Hell Creek.

We have two Aquatic Invasive Species - white perch and zebra mussels and have joined Cheney and El Dorado as lakes with both species. The law now says that if anyone leaves the lake with water in your livewell or boat, you are subject to a ticket for transporting Zebra Mussels since they will spawn and the microscopic little mussels will probably be in every drop of water in the lake. Make sure you drain all water from the boat before you leave the boat ramp area!!! We have been taking veliger samples and the samples were high so be sure to drain and dry everything!!!!!!