Hillsdale Reservoir Fishing Report -
Species  Rating Size Baits, Method & Location
Walleye Fair  Up to 9 lbs. Fish should be moving slow and in deep water.  Look for fish walleye to move up to shallow rocky shore like the dam and bridges to spawn in the coming weeks. 
Crappie Good Up to 13 inches Fish near structure with a variety of small jigs or live minnows.  The crappie are in deep water near submerged structure. 
White Bass Fair Up to 2 lbs. Target white bass off wind blown points and rocky banks. Jigs and shad imitation lures are the best baits right now.  



Slow Up to 4 lbs. Target medium depth structure and rocky structure.  Finesse plastics, crank baits, and crawdad presentations should produce fish. Square bill crank baits fished slowly may work as water warms.   
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Channel Catfish Fair Up to 10 lbs. Channel catfish can be taken on a variety of baits lakewide using prepared or live baits. Target creek mouths the day after a rain. .   
General Comments

WATER LEVEL: As of March 10th the water level is 1.75 feet below conservation pool and stable. The gates have been closed and spring rains should bring the lake back up. Water temps are near 42 degrees.  http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/Locations/DistrictLakes/HillsdaleLake/DailyLakeInformation.aspx

Zebra mussel infestation has been confirmed at Hillsdale Reservoir.  As of 6/17/16 the lake has been designated an Aquatic Nuisance Species water. Fish may not be transported alive from ANS designated waters.  Please remember to CLEAN, DRAIN, and DRY your boats and equipment before using another waterbody.  Dispose of all bait on dry land.  Please search ksoutdoors.com for more information about zebra mussels.  

Email zach.ramsay@ks.gov with further questions