Jeffrey Energy Center - Make-Up Lake Fishing Report -
Species Rating Size Baits, Method, and Location
Black Bass Slow  1 to 5 pounds The smallmouth bass population has been well below the historical norm however the 2024 spring sample showed a promising rebound in numbers of fish. The corners of the dam and along the East bank are the best places for smallmouth. The lake has few largemouth bass.  
Crappie Slow 1/2 to 1 pound The lake currently has low numbers of bigger crappie but there was an exceptional spawn in 2024 that should help bolster the population back up. There is a brushpile just south of the fishing dock.
Catfish Fair to Good 1/2 to 6 pounds The lake has supported a robust channel catfish harvest rate through the years. The southwest corner of the lake and the northern 2 coves tend to be good spots. The lake has a low level blue catfish population with most below 20 inches. The lake is home to some big flathead. If the inlet is flowing, then good fishing can be found there for all three species.  
Walleye and Sauger Fair to Good 1 to 5 pounds The 2024 fall gill netting and electrofishing samples showed good things for both walleye and sauger. Adult walleye numbers were low but there was good numbers of young walleye. Sauger have rapidly expanded since being introduced in 2021 and are offering a good fishery with 93% of the fish collected last fall were over 15 inches. The two species (walleye & sauger) are combined in KS regulations and an angler can harvest a combined total of 2 per day at the Jeffrey Lakes that are over the 15-inch minimum length limit.    
White Bass Fair to Good 1/2 to 2 pounds White bass numbers are at a robust level. From fish collected in October, 56% were over 12 inches. 
Wipers Fair to Good Up to 12 pounds Wiper numbers have rebounded but the population is dominated by small fish with only 24% over 20 inches. 
General Comments

Anglers need to check into the Jeffrey Energy Center Guard House located north of St. Mary's, then west off K-63 Hwy.  You can call the Guard House to check on availability at (785) 456-6149.  The Jeffrey Energy Center allows 30 anglers to fish at any one time.  If the inlet is flowing, then good fishing can usually be found there.   

Make-Up Lake has zebra mussels which classifies the lake as an Aquatic Invasive Species water.  It is illegal to transport alive fish from AIS designated waters. To help prevent the spread of invasive species, please CLEAN, DRAIN & DRY all equipment when changing water bodies and dump your bait.