Shawnee State Fishing Lake Fishing Report -
Species Rating Size Baits, Method, and Location
Largemouth Bass Good 1/2 to 6 pounds The lake has provided very good fishing for largemouth bass. The population experienced some rapid expansion a few years age which slowed overall bass growth and reduced the average size of fish. Things are starting to return to normal as the 2024 spring electrofishing sample showed that 54% of the bass were over 12".   
Crappie Fair 1/2 to 1 pound The crappie fishery has been doing well the last few years. The October 2024 fish sampling showed the number of crappie has fallen some but the size is good with 71% over 10 inches. 
Redear Sunfish Good 10 inches The redear sunfish population has recently developed into a good fishery. The 2024 fall sample had the highest number of redear ever at the lake with good numbers of 10 inch fish. Should be a fun year for panfishing at the lake. 
Channel Catfish Good 1/2 - 4 pounds The lake is in the Urban Stocking Program and is regularly stocked with 12 to 18 inch channel catfish which leads to good catch rates of fish in that size range. There were four stockings in 2024 for a total of 2,700 pounds of channel catfish released into the lake. The first stocking of 2025 is scheduled for mid-March. These stocked fish usually like all the traditional catfish baits but dough baits or worms tends to do the best.  Channel catfish daily limit is 5. 
General Comments

Located north of Silver Lake, Shawnee State Fishing Lake is the site of good catch and release largemouth bass fishing. The lake is also noted for channel catfish harvest since the lake receives frequent stockings of harvestable sized catfish from March through September.

Zebra mussels have recently been discovered at Shawnee State Fishing Lake which classifies the lake as an Aquatic Invasive Species water. Fish may not be transported alive from AIS designated waters. To help prevent the spread of invasive species, please CLEAN, DRAIN & DRY all equipment when changing water bodies and dump your bait.

Fish habitat GPS coordinates Decimal Degrees Degrees Minutes
East end of dam cedar trees 39.200351 -95.801881 N 39 12.021 W 95 48.113
West end of dam cedar trees 39.200640 -95.805438 N 39 12.038 W 95 48.326
Out from ramp brush pile 39.201053 -95.801924 N 39 12.063 W 95 48.115