Osage Cove

GPS/Address: N039 30.019’ W098 19.235’

Type: Fish Attractor

The Facility is not ADA Compliant


This is probably the best crappie hotspot in the spring when the fish are spawning, and it receives heavy fishing pressure throughout the year for black bass, channel catfish, and crappie. At conservation pool, this attractor is around 18 feet deep and is easily accessible from shore. We will upgrade this attractor once the reservoir fills. It consists of approximately 120 cedar trees.

We added another 40 cedar trees to this cove in January 2011 by placing the trees on the ice with cinder blocks wired to them. As the ice thawed, the trees dropped to the bottom and can be located just east of the small rock jetty and boat dock. This should be an excellent prespawn location for crappie.
We greatly enhanced this pile in March 2014 with the addition of 50 large cedar trees.  Special thanks to all of the volunteers who contributed to this effort.

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