Deer Permits and Tags
Quotas and Draw Stats | Deer Management Units | E-Tagging
- Youth and Disability Season: Sept. 6 - Sept. 14, 2025
- Early Muzzleloader Season: Sept. 15 - Sept. 28, 2025
- Archery Season: Sept. 15 - Dec. 31, 2025
- Pre-Rut Firearm Whitetail Antlerless Season: Oct. 11 - Oct. 13, 2025. Any permit that allows the harvest of a whitetail antlerless deer is valid during this season. Equipment and unit restrictions on permit imposed. Hunter orange clothing is required.
- Firearms Season: Dec. 3 - Dec. 14, 2025
- 1st Extended Whitetail Antlerless Only: Jan. 1 - Jan. 4, 2026 in Units TBD
- 2nd Extended Whitetail Antlerless Only: Jan. 1 - Jan. 11, 2026 in Units TBD
- 3rd Extended Whitetail Antlerless Only: Jan. 1 - Jan. 18, 2026 in Units TBD
- Extended Archery Whitetail Antlerless Only: Jan. 19 - Jan. 31, 2026 in Unit 19 only.
All resident hunters age 16 through 74 must have a resident hunting license unless exempt by Kansas Law. All nonresident hunters, regardless of age, must have a nonresident hunting license. Annual hunting licenses can be purchased online by clicking here or through all licensed agents, or Kansas Department of Wildlife and Park offices.
No hunter may purchase more than one permit that allows the harvest of an antlered deer.
For more information see the Deer Management Unit Map and Deer Regulations
Preference points can ONLY be purchased during the specified application period for residents and nonresidents.
To purchase a preference point, you must login to your KDWP account, click "Limited Draw Applications", select the appropriate application, select "Apply for Points only", and then complete your payment
APPLICATION PERIOD: April 1 - April 25, 2025
Preference points can ONLY be purchased during the application period.
Applicants must apply online at or by phone, 1-833-587-2164
All fees listed below will have an internet convenience fee added at time of applying online for a permit or preference point.
You will also need to purchase a nonresident hunting license, $127.50 (16 and over), $42.50 Jr. hunt license (15 and younger) The nonresident hunting license fee is nonrefundable.
- $117.50 Nonresident Youth White-tailed Deer Permit (youth 15 and younger and includes $27.50 nonrefundable application fee)
- $477.50 Nonresident White-tailed Deer Permit, (16 and older and includes $27.50 nonrefundable application fee)
Bag Limit: (1) white-tailed deer - buck, doe or fawn AND (1) white-tailed antlerless deer (No additional fee required. Included with White-tailed Deer Permit)
The credit card provided will be used to pay for the total price of the awarded permits at the time of the draw if this application is selected as a winner for the hunt.
The deadline for applying is APRIL 25, 2025.
Helpful Application Information
Hunter applies in one unit and selects one adjacent unit to also hunt, as well as the season choice (archery, muzzleloader, or firearm) at the time of application. Muzzleloader permit holders may hunt during early muzzleloader season and regular firearm season using muzzleloader equipment only.
Applicant will be asked at the time of application to select the choice of permit delivery. Printed tags will be mailed to the address on the application, E-Tag/Mobile will be tagged electronically ONLY through our mobile app: Go Outdoors KS (free download available in your mobile app store).
Group Hunt: The group hunt application is to accommodate those who do not want to hunt unless their hunting partners draw also. Applicants (up to 5) must apply for the same unit and the same weapon choice. Each person will make application and there will be a question on the application about groups.
The first applicant in the group to apply would select the create group option on this question. This will create a group and you will be given a group number.
Each applicant applying after the group has been set up would select the join group option and they would fill in the Group number. Applicant will be asked at the time of application to select the choice of permit delivery.
Printed tags will be mailed to the address on the application, E-Tag/Mobile will be tagged electronically ONLY through our mobile app: Go Outdoors KS (free download available in your mobile app store).
The overall group will be drawn from the lowest preference point in the group.
The credit card provided will be used to pay for the total price of the awarded permits at the time of the draw if this application is selected as a winner for the hunt.
Any members added by the leader will be charged on the leader’s credit card by default. Credit card information for each applicant can be modified after the application is submitted.
- $150.00 Mule Deer Stamp Fee (plus Nonresident White-tailed deer permit fee listed above)
A nonresident must apply for the Mule Deer Stamp during the April application period. A nonresident who successfully draws an archery or muzzleloader White-tailed Deer Permit among units 1, 2, 3, 17 or 18 and has applied for the Mule Deer Stamp will be entered into a draw for one of a limited number of Mule Deer Stamps. If drawn, the applicant's White-tailed Deer Archery or Muzzleloader Permit converts to an Either-species/Either-sex Archery or Muzzleloader Permit. Preference points do not count toward the Mule Deer Stamp draw.
If unsuccessful in the Mule Deer Stamp Draw, hunter will be issued the White-tailed Deer Archery or Muzzleloader Draw Permit for the successful draw unit.
Preference point applications:
- $27.50 Preference Point.
A nonresident hunter who does not want to hunt in the current season can purchase a preference point that will count toward a white-tailed deer permit in a future drawing.
If unsuccessful in the draw, hunter will be issued a preference point for a future drawing.
Preference points remain on file for 5 years from last date a point was issued or purchased. If applicant fails to make at least one application or purchase one point within 5 consecutive years, all earned preference points will be reset to zero.
To purchase a preference point, you must login to your KDWP account, click "Limited Draw Applications", select "Nonresident Whitetail Deer Application", select "Apply for Points only", and then complete your payment.
- $87.50 Nonresident Hunt-Own-Land Deer Permit
Available to nonresident individuals who qualify as Kansas landowners. Permit valid for any white-tailed or mule deer only on land owned or operated by the nonresident landowner, during muzzleloader-only, archery, and firearm seasons using equipment legal for that season. Available at vendor locations or online August 1 - Dec. 31
- $42.50 Special Hunt-Own-Land Relative Deer Permit
Available to individuals who qualify as lineal ascendants or descendants or siblings of resident landowners or all tenants, and spouses of a qualifying landowner. Permit valid for any white-tailed or mule deer only on land owned or operated by landowner or tenant during muzzleloader-only, archery, and firearm seasons using equipment legal for that season. Lineal relatives include direct ascendants or descendants such as a grandfather, mother, son, or granddaughter. Cousins, uncles, or nieces are NOT lineal family members. You would also need to purchase an annual hunting license. Available at vendor locations or online August 2 - Dec. 31
Hunter must first have a nonresident deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer, unless purchased after Dec. 31:
- $52.50 Nonresident Antlerless White-tailed Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler).
White-tailed Antlerless Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull. Available at vendor locations or online August 1 - Dec. 31
Number of Whitetail Antlerless-Only (WAO) Permits a hunter may purchase is 5 but they may use them as follows:
- The FIRST Whitetail Antlerless Only (WAO) permit purchased is valid statewide, including Walk-in Hunting Access (WIHA) and iWIHA areas, except DMU 18.
- Up to four additional WAO permits may be purchased and are valid in Units 1-5, 7, 11-16, and 19; and on private land with permission.
Either Species Antlerless Only permits not available
APPLICATION PERIOD: May 13 - June 13, 2025 (Resident draws ONLY)
Preference points can ONLY be purchased during the application period.
Applicants must apply online at, or by phone 1-833-587-2164. Applicant will be asked at the time of application to select the choice of permit delivery.
Printed tags will be mailed to the address on the application, E-Tag/Mobile will be tagged electronically ONLY through our mobile app: Go Outdoors KS (free download available in your mobile app store).
Group Hunt: The group hunt application is to accommodate those who do not want to hunt unless their hunting partners draw also. Applicants (up to 5) must apply for the same unit and the same weapon choice. Each person will make application and there will be a question on the application about groups.
The first applicant in the group to apply would select the create group option on this question. This will create a group and you will be given a group number.
Each applicant applying after the group has been set up would select the join group option and they would fill in the Group number. Applicant will be asked at the time of application to select the choice of permit delivery
Printed tags will be mailed to the address on the application, E-Tag/Mobile will be tagged electronically ONLY through our mobile app: Go Outdoors KS (free download available in your mobile app store).
The overall group will be drawn from the lowest preference point in the group.
The credit card provided will be used to pay for the total price of the award permits at the time of the draw if this application is selected as a winner for the hunt.
Any members added by the leader will be charged on the leader’s credit card by default. If any individual members' credit card is unsuccessful, the entire group application will be unsuccessful. Credit card information for each applicant can be modified after the application is submitted.
All fees listed below will have an internet convenience fee added at time of applying online for a permit or preference point.
Resident Firearm Either-species/Either-sex Firearms Deer permit (white-tailed or mule deer buck, doe or fawn)
- $52.50 General Residents;
- $32.50 Resident Landowner/Resident Tenant
- $97.50 NR Tenant
- $22.50 Resident Youth (15 and younger)
Permits are valid either in the EAST units (3, 4, 5, 7, 16) or the WEST units (1, 2, 17, 18) during the regular firearms season using any legal equipment.
A resident hunter who does not want to hunt in the current year season may purchase a $12.50 preference point that will count toward a firearm either species, either sex deer permit in a future drawing.
Preference Point Application:
- $12.50 Preference Point
If unsuccessful in the draw, applicant will be issued a preference point for a future drawing.
Preference points remain on file for 5 years from last date a point was issued or purchased. If applicant fails to make at least one application or purchase one point within 5 consecutive years, all earned preference points will be reset to zero.
To purchase a preference point, you must login to your KDWP account, click "Limited Draw Applications", select "Resident Deer - Either Species/Sex Deer Firearm Application", select "Apply for Points only", and then complete your payment.
Resident Any-Season White-tailed Deer permit (white-tailed deer buck, doe or fawn) Resident Any-season White-tailed Deer permits are valid statewide in any season, provided legal equipment is used for that season. Available Aug. 1 - Dec. 31.
- $42.50 General residents
- $22.50 Resident Landowner/Resident Tenant
- $87.50 NR Tenant
- $12.50 Resident Youth (15 and Younger)
Resident Archery Either-species/Either-sex Deer permit (white-tailed or mule deer buck, doe or fawn) Resident Archery Either-species/Either-sex Deer permits are valid statewide with archery equipment only during archery season. Available Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
- $42.50 General residents
- $22.50 Resident Landowner/Resident Tenant
- $87.50 NR Tenant
- $12.50 Resident Youth (15 and Younger)
Resident Muzzleloader Either-species/Either-sex Deer permit (white-tailed or mule deer buck, doe or fawn) Resident Muzzleloader Either-species/Either-sex Deer permits are valid either in the east unit (3, 4, 5, 7, 16) or the west unit (1, 2, 17, 18) during the early muzzleloader season and the regular firearm season using muzzleloading equipment only. Available Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
- $42.50 General residents
- $22.50 Resident Landowner/Resident Tenant
- $87.50 NR Tenant
- $12.50 Resident Youth (15 and Younger)
Hunt-Own-Land Deer Permit
- $22.50 Resident Landowner/Resident Tenant
Available to individuals who qualify as resident landowners, including family members living with the landowner or tenant. Permit valid for any white-tailed or mule deer only on land owned or operated by landowner or tenant during muzzleloader-only, archery, and firearm seasons using equipment legal for that season. Available Aug. 1 - Dec. 31
Hunter must first have a resident deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer, unless purchased after Dec. 31:
Resident Antlerless White-tailed Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull)
- $22.50 General Residents
- $10.00 Resident Youth (15 and younger)
White-tailed Antlerless Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull)
Number of Whitetail Antlerless-Only (WAO) Permits a hunter may purchase is 5 but they may use them as follows:
The FIRST Whitetail Antlerless Only (WAO) permit purchased is valid statewide, including Walk-in Hunting Access (WIHA) and IWIHA areas, except DMU 18.
Up to four additional WAO permits may be purchased and are valid in Units 1-5, 7, 11-16, and 19; and on private land with permission.
Either Species Antlerless Only permits not available
$87.50 Nonresident Tenant Hunt-Own-Land Deer Permit (available online or at vendor locations over the counter)
Available to individuals who qualify as a tenant, including family members living with the tenant. Permit valid for any white-tailed or mule deer only on land owned or operated by tenant during muzzleloader-only, archery, and firearm seasons using equipment legal for that season. Available at vendor locations or online August 1 - Dec. 31
Hunter must first have a tenant deer permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer, unless purchased after Dec. 31:
- $52.50 Nonresident Antlerless White-tailed Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler)
*White-tailed Antlerless Deer permit (any white-tailed deer without a visible antler protruding from the skull) Available online or over the counter August 1 - Dec. 31
Number of Whitetail Antlerless-Only (WAO) Permits a hunter may purchase is 5 but they may use them as follows:
- The FIRST Whitetail Antlerless Only (WAO) permit purchased is valid statewide, including Walk-in Hunting Access (WIHA) and iWIHA areas, except DMU 18.
- Up to four additional WAO permits may be purchased and are valid in Units 1-5, 7, 11-16, and 19; and on private land with permission.
Either Species Antlerless Only permits not available