Non-Toxic Shot & Non-Toxic-Shot-Only-Areas
Kansas requires non-toxic shot for hunting ALL migratory game birds except dove and woodcock. This includes ducks, geese, coots, mergansers, rails, sandhill cranes, and snipe. Legal shot is steel, bismuth-tin, tungsten-polymer, tungsten-iron, tungsten matrix, tungsten-nickle-iron, tungsten-ironnickel- tin, and steel shot coated with copper, nickel, zinc chromate, or zinc chloride.
It is illegal to possess lead shot while hunting waterfowl or hunting in a Non-Toxic-Shot-Only area. “Possession" means that lead shot cannot be in a hunter’s gun, pockets, or in reach while in the process of hunting. Lead shot left in a vehicle is not considered “in possession.”
In these areas, non-toxic shot is the only shotgun load allowed, whether ducks, upland game, or other small game are being hunted.
- Benedictine Bottoms WA
- Cheyenne Bottoms WA
- Cherokee Lowlands WA
- Flint Hills NWR
- Gurley Salt Marsh WA
- Herron Playa WA
- Isabel Wetlands WA
- Jamestown WA
- Kirwin NWR
- Marais des Cygnes NWR
- Marais des Cygnes WA
- McPherson Wetlands WA
- Neosho WA
- Otter Creek WA
- Quivira NWR, Slate Creek WA
- Stein Playa WA
- Talmo Marsh WA
- Texas Lake WA
- Wild Turkey Playa WA
- other areas as posted
NOTE: Birds such as pelicans, cormorants, grebes, herons, gulls, and shorebirds not listed in this brochure are illegal to take or possess under federal and state law.