Turkey Tagging Instructions


Turkey Tag
  1. Permit is not valid until signed. Permit must be signed prior to hunting.
  2. Immediately upon taking an animal, date and sign carcass tag and attach to the leg of the animal in a visable manner.
  3. Tag must be signed, dated, and affixed to carcass before moving carcass from harvest site.
  4. Carcass tag is invalid when signed, dated, and/or placed on an animal. 

 (for permits purchased over the Internet)

  1. Permit is not valid until signed. Permit must be signed prior to hunting. 
  2. Immediately upon taking an animal, date and sign carcass tag, place in a clear plastic bag and attach to the leg of the animal in a visible manner.
  3. Tag must be signed, dated, and affixed to carcass before moving carcass from harvest site. 

Carcass tag must remain attached to the breast until the animal is processed for consumption. Permittee must retain the carcass tag until the animal is consumed, given to another, or transported to commercial processor.

The beard of the wild turkey must remain naturally attached to the breast while in transit from the site of the kill to the permittee’s residence or to a place of processing or preservation unless the permittee has obtained a transportation confirmation number through electronic registration, or the permittee retains photographs necessary for electronic registration until registration occurs. “Electronically registering” shall mean submitting required information and digital photographs of the turkey breast and completed carcass tag showing signature on a completed carcass tag.


Nonresidents must also meet other states' requirements while in transit or possession of deer and turkey carcasses.

Assistance to Turkey Permit Holders

A Kansas hunting license is required (unless exempt by Kansas law) to assist a turkey permit holder. Such assistance may include calling. Any person with a permanent physical or visual disability that prevents the person's ability to hunt safely, as certified by a physician, may be eligible to obtain a permit to designate someone else to take a legal limit of game for the permit holder. However, a permittee who is, because of disability, unable to pursue a wounded wild turkey may designate any individual to assist in pursuing and dispatching a wild turkey wounded by the disabled permittee. For more information or application contact the KS Dept. of Wildlife & Parks Pratt office. (620)672-5911