
115-20-1. Crows; legal equipment, taking methods, and possession.

  • (a) Legal hunting equipment for taking crows shall consist of the following:
    1. Firearms, except fully automatic rifles and handguns and except shotguns and muzzleloading shotguns larger than 10 gauge or using other than shot ammunition;
    2. pellet and BB guns;
    3. archery equipment;
    4. falconry equipment;
    5. calls and decoys, except live decoys; and
    6. optical scopes or sights that project no visible light toward the target and do not electronically amplify visible or infrared light.
  • (b) The use of dogs shall be permitted while hunting.
  • (c) Hunting hours shall be from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
  • (d) Any type of apparel may be worn while hunting crows.
  • (e) Crows may be shot or pursued by falconry means while the crow is in flight, on the ground, or perched.
  • (f) Legally taken crows may be possessed without limit in time and number and may be disposed of in any manner. However, crows shall not be purchased, sold, bartered, or offered for purchase, sale, or barter.
  • (g) Blinds and stands may be used while hunting. (Authorized by K.S.A. 32-807; implementing K.S.A. 32-807 and K.S.A. 32-1002; effective July 30, 1990; amended March 20, 1995; amended July 13, 2001; amended Feb. 18, 2005.)
License Information

All waterfowl hunters 16 and older must have a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Federal Waterfowl Stamp), and all hunters who are required to obtain a hunting license must also have a Kansas State Waterfowl Stamp and a Kansas Harvest Information Program (HIP) stamp before hunting ducks, geese, or mergansers. (Those not required to have a Kansas hunting license include people hunting their own land, and residents 15 and younger)

Annual Hunting License - All resident hunters age 16 through 74 must have a resident hunting license unless exempt by Kansas Law.  Nonresident hunters, regardless of age, must have a nonresident hunting license.  Annual hunting licenses can be purchased online by clicking here or through all licensed agents, or Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks offices.

Waterfowl Stamps and License - All Waterfowl stamps and licenses can be bought at any licensed Agent , Pratt Operations Office , or online. All Waterfowl stamps are good through season.

  • Kansas HIP Stamp: $2.50
  • State Waterfowl Stamp: $10
  • Federal Waterfowl Stamp: $29.00
Buy your Stamps Online

State stamps are available at any licensed agent, online , Pratt Operations Office or Regional office. Physical Federal stamps are available at a US Post Office. Federal stamps must be signed across the face of the stamp.
Click on the link below for more information on the Duck Stamp Modernization Act of 2024:
Buy a Duck Stamp or E-Stamp | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (

Waterfowl stamps are not required to hunt Coot, Dove, Rail, Snipe, Woodcock, or Sandhill Crane. HIP is required.

If hunting Sandhill Crane, in addition to a hunting license ( if required), a federal sandhill crane hunting permit issued through and validated by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks is required to hunt cranes. Crane permits obtained in other states are not valid in Kansas. The validated permit ($7.50 validation fee) is available at any licensed agent , online , Pratt Operations Office , or Regional office .

All sandhill crane hunters must take an online crane identification test each year before hunting sandhill cranes. 

"Online Test for Sandhill Crane Hunters." Click this link to take an online test that provides information about identifying whooping cranes, sandhill cranes, and look-alike species, as well as the hunter’s ability to choose safe shots. The test is both entertaining and informative and only takes a few minutes.
