Prairie Dogs


License Requirements, Regulations

Kansas residents are not required to have a hunting license to hunt prairie dogs. Nonresidents must have a nonresident hunting license to hunt prairie dogs. Prairie dogs may be hunted statewide and there is no closed season or bag limits.

Where to Hunt Prairie Dogs

Most prairie dogs are found in the western-most Kansas counties, particularly in the northwest. Nearly all huntable prairie dog towns are located on private land, and access requires landowner permission. The best way to locate prairie dog towns is through satellite images. Once a large town is located, landowner contacts may be found through a rural plat map.

Season Information
Current Seasons
Extended Hunting and Trapping - Statewide

Dates: 03/01/2025 - 11/11/2025

Species: Raccoon, opossum

Furharvester license required.

Hunting and trapping by methods that are legal during the general furbearer season are allowed, except that only traps allowed during the extended season are cage or box traps and dog-proof (DP) foot encapsulating traps. Artificial light is prohibited except as permitted for taking treed or trapped furbearers during the general season.

Upcoming Seasons
Spring Turkey - Archery Only - Unit Specified on Permit

Dates: 04/07/2025 - 04/15/2025

Spring Turkey - Archery Only

  • Shooting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
  • Legal Equipment: Recurve or compound bows and crossbows.
  • Permit Limit: One turkey with a visible beard per permit or game tag.
  • Bag Limit: One turkey with a visible beard per permit or game tag.
  • Dogs may not be used in spring season.


Resident hunters may obtain a spring turkey permit – valid for one turkey with a visible beard – in Units 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6; Spring turkey permits for Unit 4 are available only by lottery draw.

Non-resident hunters may obtain a spring turkey permit by lottery draw for Unit 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6. Non-resident permits are only valid in the Unit indicated. The application period is 01/14/25 – 02/14/25. Any leftover non-resident spring turkey permits will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis on a date set after the drawing is completed and the public is notified of the date.

There will be no additional game tags (valid for a second turkey) available in 2025 for resident and non-resident hunters.

Spring Turkey - Regular (firearm/archery) - Unit Specified on Permit

Dates: 04/16/2025 - 05/31/2025

  • Shooting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to sunset.
  • Legal Equipment: Shotguns using shot sizes 2-9; long, recurve or compound bows and crossbows.
  • Permit Limit: One turkey with a visible beard per permit or game tag.
  • Bag Limit: One turkey with a visible beard per permit or game tag.
  • Dogs may not be used in spring season.


Resident hunters may obtain a spring turkey permit – valid for one turkey with a visible beard – in Units 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6; Spring turkey permits for Unit 4 are available only by lottery draw.

Non-resident hunters may obtain a spring turkey permit by lottery draw for Unit 1, 2, 3, 5, or 6. Non-resident permits are only valid in the Unit indicated. The application period is 01/14/25 – 02/14/25. Any leftover non-resident spring turkey permits will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis on a date set after the drawing is completed and the public is notified of the date.

There will be no additional game tags (valid for a second turkey) available in 2025 for resident and non-resident hunters.