Great Plains Nature Center

The Great Plains Nature Center is operated and maintained under a unique joint venture between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, and the Wichita Department of Park and Recreation. All three entities share a common goal of providing recreational, interpretive and environmental education opportunities to the public. This nature center provides a place for everyone to learn about natural resources, especially the wildlife and habitats of the Great Plains.
There are many opportunities to participate in activities and events at the Great Plains Nature Center. Nature-related programs are offered quarterly. These are advertised on the nature center’s website and with the newsletter, Prairie Reflections.
The biggest event of the year takes place the second Saturday in June. Walk With Wildlife, entering its third decade, provides a glimpse of native Kansas wildlife to approximately 1,500 visitors.
Other opportunities include:
- Wildlife Programs
- Field Trips
- Discovery Boxes
- Adult Workshops
- Junior Naturalist Classes
- Scout Programs
- Nature Hikes
Phone: (316) 683-5499
Fax: (316) 688-9555
Web Site: