Pratt Education Center

Admission is Free!
The emphasis of the Pratt Education Center is to discover the wildlife of Kansas. Numerous displays, dioramas, and exhibits provide close encounters with the native birds, fish, mammals, and reptiles of Kansas.
Our "winter" diorama provides a glimpse of how wildlife deals with the snow and cold of Kansas winters.
The grassland display depicts the three grasslands (short, mixed and tall) of Kansas and wildlife common to each region; including a rare black-footed ferret. Our raptor exhibit features owls, hawks, falcons, and kites; all with hooked beaks and sharp talons. The wetland wall display includes Cheyenne Bottoms, one of the five most important wetlands in North America.
The Aquarium Room contains twelve, 400-600 gallon aquariums; each displaying fish species native to Kansas or that have been successfully introduced into Kansas. On the east wall are two wall panels. One featuring the early history of the Pratt Hatchery. The other features the catfish rearing program along with a working model of Seth Way's ingenious incubating trough. Over one hundred and twenty-eight species of birds and their eggs
are displayed in the Bird Room. Across from this room you can enjoy duplicating the tracks of Kansas animals using the vinyl Replica tracks. Also, numerous interactive exhibits will test your knowledge of Kansas wildlife.
The Pratt Education Center lies just off Highway 54 on 25th Ave., two miles east and one mile south of Pratt, Kansas.
Due to a staff shortage, the Education Center/Museum may be closed periodically during the week as well. Please call (620) 672-0751 to check availability.
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
** Additional hours can be made available upon request and employee availability.
Starting in 1915, this building served as the first administration headquarters for the Kansas Fish and Game Commission. The first floor always served as an exhibit center for the general public. In 1966, the building was completely converted to an education center. A renovation of the building was completed in 1990.