Pottawatomie Lake No. 1 News
Lake New
Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism has once again been awarded a grant from the National Wild Turkey Federation to conduct habitat work on the area. The work to be done on the area will help improve the existing habitat for Turkeys as well as other game and non-game species. Work will continue on removing unwanted cedar and non-mast producing trees as well as restoring a functioning firebreak around the property to aid in implementing a sound burning schedule. Look for summer burns on portions of the area as well as timber stand improvements!
Visitors may notice tree removal in various areas of surrounding the lake by both chainsaw and skid loader removal. This is an effort to make the area easier to burn and to contain fire on individual sections of the property to allow for safer burns and a more regular fire frequency on the area. This is also an effort to remove infestations of cedar trees from the area.