Lovewell Reservoir & Wildlife Area News


NEW REFUGE REGULATIONS:THE LAND REFUGE CLOSED TO HUNTING YEAR ROUND. CLOSED TO OTHER ACTIVITIES YEARROUND. WATER REFUGE IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 1 THROUGH APRIL 15 on the NORTHEAST half of the reservoir and Wildlife Area from 1/8th mile west of the south end of the dam and following a buoy line northwest to the western boundary of the Cabin Area. No hunting from the park shoreline.

You can follow the reservoir water levels by going to this website,

Lovewell and Jamestown Wildlife Areas

The only place to obtain the paper Hunter Survey Cards are at the Lovewell Office at the entrance to Lovewell State Park at 2446 250 Rd or at the Jamestown Wildlife Area Headquarters at 299 Marsh Trail
Hunters are encouraged to register your hunting activity electronically here, using your licensing login credentials. Please register prior to arriving on the property as mobile phone and internet service is sketchy. FREE wi-fi is available in front of the Lovewell Office.

IF YOU STILL NEED TO USE THE PAPER PERMITS, they will still be available at the Lovewell Office where permits can be obtained prior to hunting and dropped off with needed information after hunting. The survey station location is just west of the Lovewell Office, under the concrete shelter where a brown, metal self user survey station has been placed to dispense permits and provide for collection.  As in the past, prior to the day’s hunt, hunters will need to pick up a permit, fill out the top portion and place it in the designated box, and carry the bottom portion of the permit with them while on the area hunting. When the hunt is finished, the bottom portion of the permit needs to be returned to the survey station with completed information on the day’s hunt. Hunter participation and cooperation is critical to the success of this study.

Persons wanting additional information or questions should contact the Hays Regional Office at 785-628-8614 or the specific area they plan to hunt. Lovewell (785) 753-4971. Jamestown (785) 439-6243.