Garton Wildlife Area

Barley, Oats, Winter Peas, Radish, Hybrid Brassica
Garton Wildlife Area is located 5 miles North and 1 mile East of Dighton Kansas. It is approximately 68 acres of fallow cropland and 252 acres of range land. Due to the population of Prairie Dogs on site, management practices are different then other areas. Many different types of management practices are implemented. On the west side of the property there is a small well that pumps water into a stock tank. The well is left on before and during hunting seasons to supply wildlife with water and to enhance hunting experiences. The fallow field at the north end of the property has native grasses and wildflowers planted in it since 2017. A food plot and pollinator plot have been established in the native grass planting on the North end.
Area News
Vehicles must stay on established roadways. Off-road driving is not allowed.
A no trash policy is in place on this property. Please help us keep the area clean by taking your trash home.
Refer to the information sign at the parking lot or written regulations to obtain current bag limits, hunting regulations, and public lands regulations.
Here is a complete list of Public Land Regulations or you can download the regulation summary.
Garton was placed in a Living Trust in 1985 and in 2000 approximately 320 acres were transferred to Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism.
- Type of Facility: Parking Area
- Location of Facility: N38 33 25.91 W100 26 58.84