Forty-one youngsters participate in annual event

COUNCIL GROVE -- The Council Grove 3rd Annual Outdoor Youth Event was conducted on Saturday, Oct. 15, at Council Grove Reservoir. Forty-one youngsters participated. Sponsored by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP), Neosho Valley Chapter of Quail Unlimited, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas Wildlife Officers Association, and Morris County hunter education instructors, this special event provided participants hands-on opportunities to learn shooting skills.

Participants were given gun safety and wing-shooting instruction by two NRA certified shotgun skills instructor, and all participants were able to break moving targets by the end of the event. To enhance training received from live fire instruction, students also used a computer generated laser hunting system, which provided realistic outdoor scenarios.

Interest in this annual event continues to grow, and organizers hope to diversify future demonstrations and opportunities, teaching a variety of outdoor skills.

Gear and supplies, including shotguns, shells, targets, and eye and ear protection were provided by KDWP’s “ Pass It On” Program. This program is designed to reverse the declining trend of hunting participation in Kansas. The program encourages youth to spend time afield by introducing them to shooting sports and hunting. Its goal is to ensure that anyone who has an interest in hunting is provided the opportunity to participate.