Fishing to return after three-year renovation project
LAWRENCE -- The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) has announced that Douglas State Fishing Lake, near Lawrence, will reopen for public fishing on Saturday, Jan. 3, 2009, after a three-year closure for lake renovation.

Construction projects completed include resurfacing the north side of the dam, extending the outlet, slip-lining the valve intake, replacing the drain valve, and fencing off the dam. To improve the fishery, the existing fish population was removed and the lake restocked, more than 270 brush piles were constructed, and 20 rock-pile fish habitat structures were built. In addition, Lawrence Fly Fishing Club built and helped place 70 PVC stake habitat structures.

Largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegill, redear, and black crappie were stocked. Angling for channel catfish should be good immediately, with many fish larger than 15 inches. Largemouth bass, bluegill, and redear should provide fair fishing. Black crappie will need two years to reach keeper size. Saugeye will be stocked in 2010 to provide another angling opportunity.

Special regulations are in place to protect this fishery, including an 18-inch minimum length limit on largemouth bass and a 15-inch minimum length limit on channel catfish. Both of these species are further protected by a two-fish daily creel limit. These and other regulations are posted at the lake. For more information, phone David Farmer at 913-845-2665, Richard Sanders at 785-832-8413, or the KDWP Region 2 Office, 785-273-6740.
