Shotgun, other gear, two-day guided hunt go to essay winner; March 14 deadline
EMPORIA -- The Flint Hills Gobblers Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) is challenging youngsters to write a story and win a two-day guided spring turkey hunt and a new turkey shotgun. In 500 words or less, entrants must answer the question, “If you could introduce one person to hunting, who would it be and why?”

Youth 16 years and younger from Chase, Coffey, Greenwood, Lyon, Morris, Osage, and Woodson counties are eligible to participate. Participants must have completed a hunter education course, be available to hunt during the 2009 spring turkey season, and purchase a Kansas spring turkey hunting permit if they win.

This is the seventh year of the contest, and all past winners have harvested a gobbler. In addition to the shotgun and guided hunt, the winner will receive a turkey hunting vest and other turkey hunting items donated by Bluestem Farm and Ranch Supply, Emporia.

Essay submissions must include name, age, address, and phone number and sent to Gib Rhodes, 1643 360th St., Madison, KS 66860 or Shelley Sparks, 1789 Road B5, Emporia, KS 66801, by March 14. The winner of the contest will be notified March 25. Lodging will be provided if the winner is not from Emporia or the surrounding area. A parent or guardian is welcome and encouraged to accompany the youth on this hunt. For more information, phone Rhodes at 620-437-2012.

The contest is co-sponsored by the Flint Hills Gobblers Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, the Lyon County Hunter Education Program, Bluestem Farm and Ranch Supply of Emporia, and the Conrad Carlson Charitable Foundation.