Little Walnut River property provides excellent information and training ground
MANHATTAN — The Kansas Forest Service at Kansas State University (KSU) will conduct its 16th Annual Fall Forestry Field Day on Thursday, Oct. 14, at the Jackman Demonstration Forest, 12 miles east of Wichita near Leon in Butler County.

David Jackman and his wife Sally purchased the 943-acre ranch in the 1960s and donated the property to the Kansas Forest Service to serve as a demonstration site for research and natural resource educational events. Upon Mr. Jackman’s death in 2009, the title was transferred to the KSU Foundation. The Little Walnut River snakes through this magnificent property, providing numerous opportunities to demonstrate forest management, riparian forestry, and tree planting practices. A long-range management plan for the entire property is being prepared along with baseline data on the 135 acres of forest land.

The 2010 Fall Forestry Field Day will provide a variety of outdoor educational opportunities for landowners and natural resource professionals who want to learn more about protecting and caring for the natural resources on their property. A hot lunch will be provided. For more information and registration, go to the Kansas Forest Service website, www.kansasforest.org, phone Bob Atchison, KSU rural forestry coordinator, at 785-532-3310, or e-mail atchison@ksu.edu.