Presentation of annual Conservation Achievement Awards to highlight banquet
MANHATTAN — The Kansas Wildlife Federation's (KWF) 2010 Annual Meeting will be held Friday and Saturday, Feb. 26 and 27, at the Clarion Hotel, 530 Richards Drive in Manhattan. The 2009 Conservation Achievement Program (CAP) awards banquet will highlight the event Saturday night.
KWF has announced the winners of the 2009 CAP awards winners: Conservationist of the Year — Alan Pollom, Topeka; Conservation Organization — Friends of the Great Plains Nature Center, Wichita; Wildlife Conservationist — Brad Loveless, Topeka; Conservation Communicator — Marty Birrell, Lawrence; Water Conservationist— Kay Drennen, Wichita; Land and Soil Wildlife Conservationist — Rose and Kent Bacon, Council Grove; Outdoor Skills Instructor — Bruce Taggart, Hays; Farmer/Rancher Wildlife Conservationists — Bill, Jane, and Nathan Lee, Coats; Stream Team — Arkansas River Coalition, Wichita; Conservation Educator — Shari Wilson, Kansas City; Forest Conservationist — Wilford & Trean Sinclair, Osawatomie; Youth Conservationist — Cort Mohler, Wakefield; and Legislator — Senator Carolyn McGinn, Sedgwick.
On Friday, the group will review pending Kansas legislation dealing with wildlife issues and discuss any resolutions to be brought before the membership at the meeting Saturday morning. The afternoon program on Saturday will feature Becky Garland from the National Wildlife Federation. Garland is executive director of the National Wildlife Federation's (NWF) "Be Out There" program. Last year, NWF launched the "Be Out There" movement to help connect the nation's children to the natural world.
For more information about the event, phone 316-648-8827 or email info@kswildlife.org.