Spring weather heralds more park activity
PRATT — Spring weather is slowly warming up the Sunflower State, and state park staff plan to enhance the Kansas state park experience with a variety of special events throughout the state in 2011. Some events are in conjunction with Free Park Entrance Days, some celebrate a special historical event or geological attribute of an individual park, and others are just for entertainment. Each park sets its own dates for these events.
Events are diverse and may include anything from a marathon race to boating courses and equestrian events. Many are educational, and all make visiting Kansas state parks more enjoyable. For more information on state park events, phone individual parks or click the "Event Calendar" on the State Parks page of the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks website, www.kdwp.state.ks.us.
Cabin rental reservations may also be made online.
Park goers are urged to phone the park they intend to visit before traveling. Telephone numbers of all state parks offices may be found on the KDWP website. Click "State Parks" at the top of the page, then "Locations" in the left-hand column. A short conversation with local park staff will provide information on campsite availability, park conditions, current visitation rates, and answers to other questions. Campsite reservations may also be made by phone.
To date, only two events are scheduled for April, the April 2 Lake Adventures Race at Tuttle Creek State Park and Operation Pedal Express bicycle benefit ride at El Dorado State Park. Additional events may be listed during a given month, so be sure to check your favorite park weekly for more events.