Detailed pencil drawing of American wigeon earns top honors
WICHITA — For the third straight year, Christina Stockton, a 17-year old student at Stockton Academy in Wichita, claimed the state’s top prize in the annual Junior Duck Stamp program on Friday, March 18.
Stockton has been participating in the Junior Duck Stamp program for six years, and this is her third Best of Show. Her 2011 colored pencil entry, “This Side of Heaven,” features an American wigeon in intricate detail. Stockton used reference photos from professional photographers online at Birds in Focus, along with live birds observed on wetlands near her home.
Stockton’s entry will compete against Best of Show winners from 49 other states in the national competition on April 15 at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum (outside of Philadelphia, Pa.), the host of this year’s Junior Duck Stamp Contest. The first place national winner receives a $5,000 scholarship and a free trip to Washington, D.C., and has their entry made into a Junior Duck Stamp that is sold nationwide. Proceeds from the sale of the $5 stamp fund conservation education and art scholarships.
Stockton’s wigeon bested 776 entries, including those of two of her sisters, who were also in the running for Best of Show. Entries were submitted in four age categories: Group 1 — K-3rd grade (287 entries); Group II — 4th-6th grade (293 entries); Group III — 7th-9th grade (101 entries); and Group IV — 10th-12th grade (95 entries).