Course designed to develop teaching skills prior to becoming a certified hunter education instructor
WICHITA — In the 2011 fall semester, Wichita State University will offer a course to train students in the knowledge and skills necessary to become certified as a volunteer Kansas Hunter Education Instructor through the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP). Students will learn about wildlife conservation, safe gun handling, and the role of hunting in conservation. Wildlife management, firearm safety, and other topics will also be covered.
The 2 credit-hour course is currently scheduled for 2:30 p.m. each Wednesday of the semester. In addition, a 4-hour session on Saturday, Oct. 15, at 9 a.m. is mandatory. This session will take place at Michael Murphy and Sons, 6400 SW Hunter Road just north of Augusta and will involve field work in live fire training and use of trail walks and other training aids in simulated hunting situations.
The course will focus heavily on developing instructor presentation skills using lecture, training aids, electronic media, and internet instruction.
“I’m excited about this course,” says Wayne Doyle, course instructor and former statewide hunter education coordinator for KDWP. “I think it has a lot of potential. I’ve been telling instructors for years that what they need to improve most is their presentation skills. This is important whether you’re a farmer, a businessman, or a teacher, but a lot of our guys have not had much training in this area. And there’s no one ‘right’ way. We want to teach them to use the tools best adapted to their personalities, whether it’s lecture, one-on-one instruction, or audio-visual tools. The point is, we want them to be more effective communicators.”
No previous courses or experience is required for this course although some experience with hunting is recommended. To find a course description, go online to https://ssbprod.wichita.edu/pls/PROD/bwckctlg.p_disp_listcrse?term_in=201210&subj_in=HPS&crse_in=102G&schd_in=5 . Write down the course numbers, then phone 316-978-3055 for enrollment information.