Youth ages 10-16 invited to participate in guided hunt
ELLIS — Thanks to the success of last year’s TJ’s Memorial Youth Deer Hunt, Hunting Heritage Group and the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) will host the 5th Annual TJ’s Memorial Youth Deer Hunt during the special youth and disabled hunting season. This year, the hunt will be held Sept. 10-11. Hunters will hunt from a blind with an experienced guide/mentor on private land that adjoins Cedar Bluff Wildlife Area, in Trego County. Two young hunters will hunt in specially-designated areas on Cedar Bluff Wildlife Area.
The first morning will consist of classroom instruction along with a trip to the range to sight in rifles. Once rifles are sighted in and everyone has had lunch, guides and youth hunters will go afield. All hunters will return to the meeting area that evening. Those youth who are unsuccessful that day will be invited to hunt the following day.
Youth participants for this hunt must be residents of Kansas ages 10 through 16. In addition, candidates for the hunt must complete and submit an application form by August 13. Application forms may be obtained at the KDWPT website, www.kdwpt.state.ks.us (type “TJ’s” in the search box) or by contacting Natural Resource Officer II Jason Hawman at 785-743-2942. There is no charge for the hunt.
Special hunts like this are part of the Kansas Hunter Recruitment and Retention Program called "PASS IT ON." This program addresses the need to recruit new hunters and retain existing hunters in order to ensure the future of hunting in Kansas.