July 17, 2014
Hunters will be required to draw for access to this field for Sept.1 only
PRATT – It’s no gamble to say that Sept. 1, opening day of dove season, holds an important spot on most Kansas hunters’ calendars. The weather is nice, birds are in flight, and it’s the first opportunity of the season to trade a clay target for the “real deal.” Although an exciting time, the overwhelming popularity of this season can mean some public hunting lands will see a significant temporary increase in traffic as the season kicks off. This increase in traffic is a good sign birds are out, but it also can pose safety issues. Last year, for example Clinton Wildlife Area’s Dove Field No.1 drew nearly 80 hunters on the 7-acre wheat and sunflower plot on opening day.
To maintain a safe environment for all hunters, Dove Field No. 1 at Clinton Wildlife Area will be placed into the special hunts program for opening day only. Ten open dove hunt permits will be issued for Sept. 1, with five being designated for the morning hunt and five for the evening hunt.
Morning hunts will open one-half hour before sunrise and close at 11:30 a.m. Evening hunts will begin at 12 p.m. and close at sunset. Hunters may apply for both hunts but will only be drawn for one. Following opening day, hunters do not need to draw access to hunt the field. Non-toxic shot is required for dove hunting on Dove Field No. 1.
For more information, visit and click “Hunting / Special Hunts Information,” or contact area manager Jason Tarwater at (785) 887-6882.