August 14, 2014
2014 duck and goose seasons will be discussed and approved at meeting
GREAT BEND – The Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, August 21 at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center, 592 NE K156 Hwy, Great Bend to approve the 2014 duck and goose season dates. The meeting is open to the public and will run from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and reconvene at 6:30 p.m. for the evening session, which includes the public hearing.
The afternoon session will begin with time for public comments on non-agenda items, followed by a general discussion period. Topics covered in the general discussion include: Secretary’s remarks regarding agency and state fiscal status, an update on the 2014 Pheasant Tour, and an update on tourism division activities.
Workshop topics for the afternoon session include items that were covered under general discussion during the June meeting. Workshop topics, which will be discussed for potential regulatory action at a future meeting, include 2015 turkey regulations, park regulations, fishing regulations, and the five-year review of the Kansas Threatened and Endangered Species List.
The commission will recess at 5 p.m., then reconvene at 6:30 p.m. at the same location to discuss any remaining workshop items and begin the public hearing. Public hearing items open for discussion during the evening session include legal equipment and taking methods of big game and late migratory bird seasons.
Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism staff will make the following waterfowl season recommendations, based on hunter surveys, migration chronology, hunter activity and harvest data, while staying within frameworks provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service:
High Plains Duck Zone:Oct. 11-Dec. 8, 2014 and Dec. 20, 2014-Jan. 25, 2015.
Low Plains Early Duck Zone:Oct. 11-Dec. 7, 2014 and Dec. 20, 2014-Jan. 4, 2015.
Low Plains Late Duck Zone:Nov. 1, 2014-Jan. 4, 2015 and Jan. 17-25, 2015.
Low Plains Southeast Duck Zone:Nov. 8, 2014-Jan. 4, 2015 and Jan. 10-25, 2015.
Daily bag limit for ducks is six with the following species and sex restrictions: no more than five mallards, of which only two may be hens; three scaup; three wood ducks; two redheads; two pintails; and one canvasback. Possession limit is three times the daily bag limit.
Recommended season dates for light geese and Canada geese: Nov. 1-9, 2014 and Nov. 12, 2014-Feb. 15, 2015.
Daily bag limit on Canada geese is six; possession limit is 18. Daily bag limit on light geese is 50 with no possession limit.
Recommended season dates for white-fronted geese: Nov. 1-Dec. 14, 2014 and Jan. 17-Feb. 15, 2015. Daily bag limit for white-fronted geese is two and possession limit is six.
Time will be available in both the afternoon and evening sessions for public comment on non-agenda items. If necessary, the commission will reconvene at the same location at 9 a.m., August 22, to complete any unfinished business.
Commercial-free live video and audio streaming of the meeting will be broadcast through ksoutdoors.com.
If notified in advance, the department will have an interpreter available for the hearing impaired. To request an interpreter, call the Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at 1-800-432-0698. Any individual with a disability may request other accommodations by contacting the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission secretary at (620) 672-5911.
The next commission meeting is scheduled for October 16, 2014 at Martinelli’s Restaurant Meeting Room, 158 S Santa Fe Ave., Salina.