Leftover Nonresident White-tailed Deer Permits Available July 1

PRATT – A total of 957 leftover Nonresident Either-sex White-tailed Deer Permits will be available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis beginning July 1 at 12 a.m. CDT. Hunters can purchase a permit online at ksoutdoors.com, in person anywhere wherever licenses are sold, or over the phone by calling (620) 672-0728.
Leftover permits for purchase beginning July 1 are available in the following units:
Unit 6- 31 permits
Unit 10- 227 permits
Unit 13- 260 permits
Unit 15- 24 permits
Unit 16- 313 permits
Unit 18- 102 permits
During the time of purchase, hunters may designate equipment and season, as well as one adjacent unit to hunt in. Hunters who purchase a leftover permit will lose any preference points they may have accumulated for next year's drawing. No hunter may purchase more than one permit that allows the taking of an antlered deer. An antlered deer permit is required before purchasing additional Antlerless-only White-tailed Deer Permits. All nonresident White-tailed Either-sex Deer Combo Permits include two tags; one good for a buck or doe, and one valid for a white-tailed antlerless deer.
For the most up-to-date information on the total number of permits available for any given unit following July 1, visit ksoutdoors.com and click “Hunting,” “Applications and Fees,” “Deer,” and “Quotas and Draw Stats.”