Salina’s Lakewood Lake Undergoing Complete Renovation

SALINA – The fishery in the Salina’s 13-acre Lakewood Lake will be renovated this fall with a grant from the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism’s (KDWPT) Community Fisheries Assistance Program. Owned and operated by Salina Parks and Recreation and located in Lakewood Park, Lakewood Lake will be opened for public fish salvage Sept. 11-30 during Phase 1 of the renovation. A public salvage allows anglers to harvest fish prior to the complete renovation. Creel and length limits will not be enforced during public salvage and additional means of take will be allowed.
On October 1, all angler access to fishing at Lakewood will be suspended and KDWPT staff will supervise fish removal through the end of the month. During this phase, no fish may be taken from the lake. All fish will be disposed of by KDWPT and park staff.
Once fish have been removed, the lake’s new life will begin with a fresh stocking of bluegill later in the fall. Largemouth bass and catfish will be stocked next spring. Pending water quality testing results, rainbow trout will be stocked for the trout season, which opens Nov. 1.
To learn more about the renovation and the factors that triggered the project, plan to attend the information night Sept. 27 at the Lakewood Discovery Center, beginning at 5 p.m. KDWPT district fisheries biologist Bryan Sowards will describe some of the techniques biologists use to sample and assess fish populations in Kansas lakes. He will also take questions about fisheries management programs.
Salina Parks and Recreation is also hosting a free trout fishing clinic at Lakewood Discovery Center on November 1, beginning at 5.p.m. To fish for trout, anglers age 16 and older must have a trout stamp, which can be purchased anywhere licenses are sold. Call Lakewood Discovery Center for more information, (785) 826-7335.