Resident Hunters Can Apply For Unit 4 Spring Turkey Permit

PRATT – Five-hundred permits are allocated for the 2017 spring season in Kansas’ Unit 4 turkey management unit. The resident-only permits are available through a lottery drawing. For a nonrefundable application fee of $6.50, in addition to the permit price, resident hunters age 16 and older may apply online from January 9 through February 10, 2017 to enter the drawing. Kansas hunters age 15 and under may purchase a spring turkey permit valid statewide over the counter or online and do not need to enter the Unit 4 draw. To apply for a Unit 4 permit, visit and click “Hunting,” “Applications and Fees,” then “Turkey.”
Unsuccessful applicants will receive a refund check for the permit price and be issued a preference point. Hunters may elect not to apply for a permit and purchase a preference point only by selecting the Spring Turkey Preference Point Application online. Only one point may be obtained per year.
Unit 4 Spring Turkey draw pricing:
General Application: $32.50
Landowner/Tenant Application: $20.00
General Combo Permit/Game Tag Application: $42.50
Landowner/Tenant Combo Permit/Game Tag Application: $25.00
Nonresident Tenant Application: $ 37.50
Nonresident Tenant Combo Permit/Game Tag Application: $50.00
Preference Point only: $6.50
Any individual who has purchased a Spring Turkey Permit is eligible for one Second Turkey Game Tag. Game tags are valid in Units 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 ONLY. All other spring turkey permits and game tags are sold over-the-counter and online.
The 2017 Kansas spring turkey season will open April 1-11 for youth and hunters with disabilities, April 3-11 for archery hunters, and April 12-May 31 for the regular season.
For more information, visit, or call (620) 672-5911.