Special Commission Big Game Permits Fund Conservation

PRATT – Seven big game permits will be awarded to Kansas conservation organizations at the January 11, 2018 Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) Commission meeting. This unique program allows conservation organizations to apply for and sell big game permits to raise funding for conservation.
Local chapters of nonprofit organizations based or operating in Kansas that actively promote wildlife conservation and the hunting and fishing heritage are eligible to apply. Applications, which can be downloaded from www.ksoutdoors.com, must be submitted by Jan. 1, 2018.
The Commission Big Game Permit program began in 2006, and since that first year, nearly $500,000 has been raised. One elk, one antelope or up to seven deer permits are issued each year, depending on applicant preference. Winning groups are issued a voucher, which they can sell or auction to the highest bidder. The cost of the permit, and 15 percent of the total price, is subtracted and kept by the group, and the rest is remitted to KDWPT with a proposal for a conservation project. Once the project is approved, the money is returned to the group to complete the project. An exception to this procedure would occur if Kansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry (KHFH) is drawn. In that case, KHFH keeps 85 percent of the funds to help pay for processing donated deer.
In 2017, 142 applications were received and seven deer permits were issued and sold for more than $70,000. Groups are eligible to win permits just once in a three-year period. Hunters who purchase the permits remit a voucher to KDWPT and are issued permits and carcass tags. The deer permits are prized because they are either-species/either-sex and are valid statewide during any season with legal equipment for that season. They do not count against any other big game permits the holder is eligible for.