Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission Meeting Date Changed

PRATT – The Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission has historically conducted its last public meeting of the year in October, and the 2017 meeting was scheduled for Oct. 19 at the Bryan Conference Center in Scott City. However, due to a scheduling conflict, the meeting has been rescheduled at the same location for Nov. 16, 2017.
The afternoon session will begin at 1 p.m. and recess at 5 p.m. The evening session will convene at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend both sessions and time will be set aside for public comment at the beginning of each for discussion of non-agenda items. The commission will vote on variety of regulation amendments during the evening session of the meeting. The meeting agenda will be released in late October and be available online at www.ksoutdoors.com.