KWPT Commission Big Game Permits Awarded

PRATT – Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commissioners drew names for Commission Big Game permits at their Jan. 17, 2019 public meeting. The Commission Big Game Permit program allows conservation organizations a chance to draw one of seven big game permits, which can then be sold to raise funds for conservation projects. One-hundred-seventy-six applications were received for the 2019 permits.
Eligible applicants include local chapters of nonprofit organizations based or operating in Kansas that actively promote wildlife conservation and the hunting and fishing heritage. Organizations may receive just one Commission Big Game Permit in a three-year period.
One elk, one antelope or up to seven deer permits are issued each year, depending on applicant preference. The permits are either-species/either-sex and are valid statewide during any season with legal equipment for that season; they do not count against other big game permits the license holder is eligible for.
Once the permit is sold, the cost of the permit, plus 15 percent of the total sale price, is subtracted and kept by the organization, while the remainder is remitted to the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism with a proposal for a conservation project. When the project is approved, the money is returned to the organization to complete the project.
All organizations drawn this year selected deer permits, so seven Commissioner Big Game Deer Permits are available from the following conservation groups:
Quail and Upland Wildlife Federation – Kaw Valley, Aaron Jennings, Board President, 2801 SW Ancaster Rd, Topeka KS 66614,, 785-220-6632
Pheasants Forever – Smoky Hill PF Chapter #424, Shayne Wilson, Treasurer, 240 E 8th St., Hays KS 67601,, 785-432-1904
National Wild Turkey Federation – Arkansas Valley Limbhangers Chapter, Jared McJunkin, Director of Conservation Operations, 5632 Legends View Dr., Wamego KS 66547,, 785-456-9735
Pheasants Forever – Solomon Valley Chapter #450, Chris Blackledge, Regional Rep., 503 Ravine Dr., Council Grove KS 66846,, 620-767-2121
Pheasants Forever – Flint Hills Chapter #739, Chris Blackledge, Regional Rep., 503 Ravine Dr., Council Grove KS 66846,, 620-767-2121
Quail Forever – Neosho Valley Chapter #3165, Chris Blackledge, Regional Rep., 503 Ravine Dr., Council Grove KS 66846,, 620-767-2121
One applicant drawn was deemed ineligible and a drawing for the remaining permit will be conducted at the March 28, 2019 Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Commission meeting in Topeka. For more information, visit or contact Commission secretary Sheila Kemmis at (620) 672-5911.